Buying a home may remain out of reach for many Canadians for the foreseeable future | CBC News

Source: No-Drawing-6975


  1. And this is how corrections happen. Houses and really anything are only worth what someone can/ will pay for it. If people are priced out then prices will have to adjust as inventory grows. 

  2. Automatic-Bake9847 on

    By the time we hit 43 million people (around 2025) we will be around 20 years worth of housing supply short of where CMHC thinks we need to be to restore affordability to the market.

    So, yeah, this is a decade at the very least to address. In reality we will possibly not even hit the worst of the supply imbalance in a decade.

  3. For the housing crisis to be addressed the price of existing homes have to drop by 50%. No politician (federal, provincial or municipal) will ever allow that to happen.

    We are just going to have to accept that the housing crisis is permanent. It is what it is 😄

  4. Conscious_Candle2598 on

    Never mind houses, our infrastructure can even handle the influx of people.

    schools, healthcare.. Hell you can’t even take a detour on the back road without passing traffic. 

    And you can certainly tell it’s taking a toll on Canadian citizens, Because we are a sure angry bunch now.

    How the hell did we get this horrible..

  5. Captain-McSizzle on

    Building a society that has its “wealth” locked in a non-liquid asset and not able to participate in the economy seems due for a rethink.

  6. Superb-Respect-1313 on

    Sadly the housing affordability isn’t going to change for quite awhile no matter what our politicians tell us. We aren’t building enough of them to effect supply!!!!

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