After failed attacks and heavy losses in armored vehicles, Russians are now forced to use “Niva” cars, the so-called “pride” of their auto industry, for assaults. [NOELREPORTS video]

Source: Geschichtsklitterung


  1. Geschichtsklitterung on

    Full title:

    > After failed attacks and heavy losses in armored vehicles, Russians are now forced to use “Niva” cars, the so-called “pride” of their auto industry, for assaults. They transport assault groups to the attack line, and then the infantry proceeds on foot. This footage shows the repelling of another Russian assault.

  2. It’s amazing how people still cross open fields while 100 of their ‘comrades’ lay scattered all over the place. Unbelievable, Putler POS could walk it instead. Show some balls… Probably very tiny, insecure like Hitler.

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