Oops, They Did It Again: The Mainstream Media Buries Trump’s Outrage | The former president spent the weekend spewing dangerous nonsense at a rally. The press spent its weekend polishing it into palatability.

Source: WhileFalseRepeat


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  2. Eatthehamsters69 on

    >”Dangerous nonsense”

    More like dehuamizing or borderline genocidal rhetoric, the guy stands on stage and calls immigrants terms like ‘animals’ ‘murderers’ etc. And then he loves to bring up anecdotes and go into detail of grotesque crimes and use those single incidents to a paint the picture on everyone.

    Its just so completely unhinged and the most toxic and depraved shit imaginable, and how is the crowd even able to sit there and listen to that crap without getting exhausted after like 5 minutes. Its like some form of massochism.

    Honestly, maybe the “mainstream medias” should actually broadcast these events in full again, so more people can see just how fucking off the rails it is

  3. I will never forget, as long as I live, and I will teach my children how complicit major media outlets were in supporting the blatant face of fascism in this country.

  4. The MSM wants to frame this election as a horse raise to keep the link clicks coming, conveniently overlooking the fact that one of the contenders is a horse’s ass.

  5. Glittering_Lunch_776 on

    Yup. NYT : signal boost and tidy it up.

    Fox/NewsDailyBlazeCNN: signal boost and rename toxicity something palatable. While blaming immigrants randomly.

    Usual normalizing Trump insanity and normal-brushing far right extremist tactics from billionaire owned media. Untrustworthy, the whole lot of them.

    There is only one sane choice this whole election: Democratic Party, all the way straight down every ticket.

  6. Both sides are NOT the same. Trump is un-American with his hate towards minorities and wanting to steal the election from the voters.

    The GOP is now the MAGA party.

  7. The sane washing has to stop. The MSM is normalizing Trump and that is not good. If he says outrageous, off the wall things that are insane he should be called out on it. It should not be spun as he is trying to make a point but is not explaining properly which is what the MSM is doing.

  8. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://newrepublic.com/series/51/mainstream-media-sanewashing-trump-migrants) reduced by 92%. (I’m a bot)
    > It's a pretty sad commentary on the way our mainstream media cover Donald Trump that if you really want to know what Trump said at a given rally, you would be wasting your time going to The New York Times or The Washington Post and you really need to read Aaron Rupar.

    > Trump constantly saying extreme, racist, violent stuff can't always be new.

    > I know the mainstream media really doesn't want to go here, but whether Trump is mentally fit to serve four years in the world's toughest job is a very real and pressing question.

    [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/1fsyi5o/oops_they_did_it_again_the_mainstream_media/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ “Version 2.02, ~694505 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **Trump**^#1 **New**^#2 **people**^#3 **time**^#4 **mental**^#5

  9. WhileFalseRepeat on

    In addition to “sanewashing” Trump/MAGA within news articles, one big problem that MSM and the Fourth Estate (print media) don’t seem to understand is that headlines and ledes also matter.

    For those of us who have been on Reddit (or any social media) a significant length of time, the truth is apparent that most people don’t read an entire article and only read the headline/lede.

    I do that too sometimes.

    Life is complicated and with many demands from work, family, and, well, *everything*, I don’t always have the time to invest in understanding the full nuance and context of a particular story and thus take cues from the most obvious and immediate bits of information.

    I do try to be more informed, but sometimes life doesn’t allow me that privilege.

    So, when you’ve got a headline and lede that sanewashes Trump/MAGA and makes it all seem normal or just not quite as batshit crazy and dangerous as they truly are – it ends up giving an impression that does not reflect reality.

    Those impressions last and it also leads to a number of people – *and enough to swing an election* – with a very distorted sense of reality and a skepticism of the truth.

  10. Reading the comments here…yeeesh. We really do have a mental health crises here in America. (Assuming it’s not mostly kids posting here).

    News is by default supposed to be non-partial. It’s not meant to reinforce your beliefs. It should never be for that. It’s supposed to be “on your side”.

  11. Try watching minor media on Bloomberg tv- they spit shine chump so much that you’d think he is the most gifted politician ever.

  12. Trump went in front of a cheering crowd and said immigrants are animals and murderers who will slit your throat in your kitchen, and that if we don’t get them out we will lose our culture. Not a paraphrase, just straight fascist hate speech that would have made Josef Goebbels proud.

    Here’s how the media reported it.

    Axios: “Trump pounds immigration message after Harris’ border visit.”

    Politico: “Trump ratcheted up his hardline rhetoric on immigration”

    Bloomberg: “Trump sharpened his criticism on border security in a swing-state visit, playing up a political vulnerability for Kamala Harris.”

    Credit to Tim Miller/The Bulwark for the quotes

  13. The media has a bias: Toward Republicans.

    They’re so desperate for the viewership they’ll betray journalism and integrity.

  14. The American tabloid media can’t generate corporate profits without “outrage porn” click$…

  15. Does anyone have suggestions on how to force them to stop on an individual level? Is there suggestions on what any of us can do to make others aware of what is going on without starting a fight full of conspiracy theorist counter arguments?

  16. Feisty_Mouse6919 on

    The damage to our society that’s been caused by the press trying to normalize his insanity will be written about & analyzed in future text books… *as long as we survive the damage & we actually* ***have*** *future text books*…

  17. Dapper-Percentage-64 on

    Big orange grandpa just says some silly things sometimes. Let’s demand more clarity of the democratic positions. This out of hand?

  18. independent_observe on
  19. The news organizations won’t say it but they love him. He generates free controversy and that is the bread they butter.

  20. Also, notice that right-wing media is now calling it the “Biden Harris administration” whenever they have any criticism of current policy. We never had news articles about the “Trump Pence administration”.

  21. I am so happy to see this. Finally. I’ve been looking ALL MORNING for posts regarding what he said last night in Erie.

    I get that he just rambles and rambles and most of the stuff that he says at his rallies is literally the same stuff night after night, but last night had many dark turns into his rhetoric. He even admitted that his speech was dark.

    It is absolutely absurd to me that the media is giving him a free pass on this bullshit.

  22. He called for a purge this weekend, off the cuff.

    Like the horror film franchise, The Purge.

    Like, he just casually suggested a “purge” might be a good thing to do.

  23. They’ve got to! Everyone needs to tune in Nov. 5th to see if this is America’s series finale.

  24. “He didn’t say that, and if he did, he didn’t mean it, and if he did, you didn’t understand it, and if you did, it’s not a big deal, and if it is, others have said worse.” /s

  25. They want Trump back for their profits, and don’t give a shit how obvious they are in helping him.

  26. sometimes_right1 on

    If news reporting outlets and the media called out bigotism for what it is, instead of trying to report on “both sides” neutrally for the sake being seen as unbiased, 1930s Nazi Germany wouldn’t have happened how it did. There was a strong “both sides” “unbiased reporting” mindset in media back then too, which allowed for Nazis to rise to power.

    there is a problem with democratic society and liberalism in general usually referred to as the paradox of tolerance.
    I think it’s the root of a lot of our issues in politics.

    if liberals are tolerant of everyone, including evil, then evil ultimately will win . “acceptance” of everything, in the way liberalism preaches, leads to the acceptance and normalization of absolutely abhorrent ideas and beliefs. because “respect my opinion/respect our differences” gets thrown back in liberalism’s face. I’m not sure on the solution but i do believe solving that paradox is the first step ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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