Russia could do deal with Georgia over occupied regions, hints foreign minister

Source: legendsking


  1. >Russia could do deal with ~~Georgia~~ Russian stooges in Georgia over occupied regions, hints foreign minister

  2. What’s the deal? Give us the land we want and we’ll invade you once we’re done in Ukraine? Georgia, the people, want to be more aligned with the EU. It’s the government that wants to deal with Russia because they’re bought and paid for.

  3. Swimming_Profit8857 on

    Sakartvelo will elect its parliament in October of this year. Lavrov is interfering in that election.

    Fuck Ruzzia and fuck Bidzia Ivanishvili and the party he rode into town on.

  4. Before the USSR collapsed, Gorbachev had been preparing to offer the Soviet member republics a new agreement over power sharing.

    Basically, each republic would have regained a huge amount of personal power and the Kremlin would have weakened substantially. Think of it more like the United States and how each state has their own government and own laws and national guard.

    The only reason it didn’t come to fruition is the August Coup happened and derailed everything. They had planned to have an official signing ceremony over the new treaty.

    I have to wonder if all of this territorial aftermath bullshit could have been prevented?

    If the USSR had successfully transitioned and still collapsed, would the Russian Federation have ended up with more territorial remnants of the Soviet Union had it respected the fact each region was unique and had the right to exercise independent powers over itself.

    All of these aftermath conflicts seem to be based on the fact the Russians could never accept unique independence within the Kremlin’s system of authority.

  5. IKissedHerInnerThigh on

    It’s probably a smokescreen to use as an excuse to pull these soldiers away to use at the Ukrainian front line.

  6. Maybe Georgia could consider allowing the US to build a base. Russia understands or respects nothing but force and the threat of force. They would pitch a fit, but would do nothing about it and that would keep invasion forces out of Georgia.

  7. The deal is simple: surrender the rest of the country and we won’t kill you.

    See how peaceful negotiators we are? (/s)

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