43-foot nude Trump statue assembled just outside of Las Vegas, sparking conversation

Source: pch14


  1. Past_Distribution144 on

    “sparking conversation”

    No, those are just screams of horror. The “MY EYES, MY EYES!” screams are not conversation.

  2. Worried_Quarter469 on

    We’ve definitely come a long way from Mt Rushmore

    These people need to stop screwing around and vote for people that can be respected

  3. The conversation it sparked:

    “The fuck is that?”

    “The monster from Barbarian?”

    “No, I think it’s Trump”

    “No, the transcript from his criminal trial says it’s way smaller than that.”

    “It is a giant statue”

    “Duh, but I mean for his frame. He’s way fatter and his dick is way smaller proportionally”

    “Yeah, you’re right”

    “Want to burn it down?”


  4. Looks like we have a new headline headed our way soon: “Trump complains about giant nude statue of himself. Claims they made his hands too small.”

  5. Well he was talking up how his sunbathing was such a beautiful sight to behold….here it is…ha….

  6. “Conversation.”

    I’m reasonably certain that the nude image of Donald Trump is a direct insult to the human form, if not an entire declaration of war on both God _and_ Evolution.

  7. Is it sad that I had to read the article just to see if this was a protest of him, or if his cult actually made it as a tribute?

  8. Where is the uncensored pictures?? I’m super interested. For purely artists reasons and not anything weird. I DON’T HAVE A CRUSH ON TRUMP. It’s just a coincidence that I try to emulate him with my own governing.

  9. Let’s start a GoFund me to bronze this bizzatch piece of art…edit..and move it next to a Staten Island or Florida landfill site for posterity.

  10. Great. Now those nappy wearing, bandaged eared whackjobs have an idol to worship.

    I really hope they all start dancing naked round the idol as they try to appropriate it and the world recoils in horror.

  11. Brief_Night_9239 on

    The Emperor has no clothes.

    A story by Hans Christian Andersen about a vain emperor who is convinced to buy an “invisible” suit that can only be seen by the higher status people not the ordinary folks. Of course there is no suit. His courtiers are afraid to call it out ( the emperor being naked), that means they aren’t worthy being courtiers. His subjects don’t call it out for fear being called stupid.

    It is only once a child speaks out the truth about the emperor’s nakedness everyone can tell the truth.

    I just hope everyone can tell the truth about Trump. Simply he isn’t fit to be president AGAIN.

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