AFP says waving Hezbollah flag at protest not enough for arrest

Source: Consistent_Remove335


  1. Nobody ever seems to get arrested over shit like this… oh, except the one guy with the Israeli flag who was arrested for almost interrupting the Hamas hate-fest on the steps of the Sydney Opera House in the days after the Oct 7 attacks. I’m pretty sure our cops made their stance clear on that occasion: it’s okay to stand on the steps of our Opera House chanting “where’s the Jews” (that’s not the wording I heard…) and Jews face arrest “for their own safety”.

  2. AcademicMaybe8775 on

    I dont see how that does not constitute what the AFP described as an offence

    “To be considered an offence, the prohibited symbol had to be displayed in circumstances where the conduct involved spreading ideas based on racial superiority or hatred, inciting others to intimidate or offend a person, or advocating or inciting others to offend, the spokesman said.”

    thats literally what they were doing

  3. How pathetic – so showing your support for a terrorist organisation wont get you arrested in Australia but posting on Facebook that you disagree with the lockdowns does get you arrested.

    If this is really an issue and just the police excusing their inaction then the federal government needs to immediately amend the laws to make it a criminal offense.

    Why is Australia bending over backwards to accommodate terrorist supporters??

  4. Beast_of_Guanyin on

    I don’t expect arrests, but I do want this movement treated exactly like white supremacists would be.

    It is clear they do not want Israel to defend itself. It is clear they hate Israel. It is clear antisemitism is a feature of their views.

  5. GaryTheGuineaPig on

    We passed laws designating Hamas and Hezbollah as terro rist organisations, correct?

    We passed laws banning N…. symbols, correct?

    Reading between the lines, should I be writing to my local MP to request these flags and symbols be added to the list?

  6. Hahaha of course they did! This government is weak and that’s why terrorist sympathisers are doing it and will continue to do it. If Tony Burke attempted to ‘threaten’ me, I wouldn’t take him seriously either. The guy just smiles at a camera and pretends to be imposing.

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