Trump Suggests Terrifying Solution To Ending Crime: The Purge

Source: No-Luck-At-All


  1. What a fucking lunatic. The problem is that his far right base will take this literally and that’s a problem. We all say those crazy nut jobs on J6 and what they did to our CAPITOL. Now imagine doing that but to minorities (and all of them must be immigrants because of course they ain’t white) in a regular city.

    Whatever happened to toning down the rhetoric…

  2. MaizeNBlueWaffle on

    I wouldn’t really say what he’s proposing is The Purge. He doesn’t want crime legal for civilians, he basically just wants the police to massacre some people to scare people into being compliant. It’s insane

  3. I don’t think he’s referring to “the Purge”. It’s actually worse, if you can believe it.

    He’s harkening to “The Day of the Rope”, from the white supremacist novel “The Turner Diaries”. Such a day is an imagined fascist takeover in which all “race traitors” and opposition to the ruling party is swiftly put to death.

    This is straightforward Hitler-speak. Unadulterated, unambiguous fascist rhetoric.

  4. This being the same man who complains about the fbi executing a warrant without destroying any of his possessions or shooting any pets and who complains about courtrooms being too cold.

  5. Wow – Trump continues with absurd ideas like this. A national day of violence to end all crime is the sort of thing that you do in a country like Russia, not the US.

    I am amazed that Trump has any supporters left. It’s one crazy idea after another from him.

  6. Worried_Quarter469 on


    On November 9–10, 1938, Nazi leaders unleashed a series of pogroms against the Jewish population in Germany and recently incorporated territories. This event came to be called Kristallnacht ([The Night of Broken Glass]( because of the shattered glass that littered the streets after the vandalism and destruction of Jewish-owned businesses, synagogues, and homes.

  7. Someone showed him the internal polls about 48 hours ago. He’s been filter-off ever since.

    Edit: If they don’t turn around soon, n-word incoming.

  8. BarelyContainedChaos on

    Every time I see a headline on Trump I think, theres no way he actually said that. Then I read the article:

    >Trump declared that Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) should be put in charge for “one really violent day.”

    >“One rough hour. And I mean real rough, the world will get it out and it will end immediately. End immediately. You know, it will end immediately,”

    fuck this guy

  9. Trump keeps talking about domestic & migrant crime, and all his ignorant supporters agree with him, but what about all the serious crimes and civil offenses that Trump has committed?

    A jury unanimously ruled that Trump forcefully finger raped EJ Carroll. He admitted on tape to often sexually abused women, and TWO DOZEN women accused Trump of sexual assault.

    A NY jury found Trump liable for bank fraud, tax fraud and other crimes. He was convicted on 34 felonies and is currently awaiting sentencing.

    Trump is facing SEVERAL DOZENS of other felonies, including espionage. He helped plan, invited, and incited a violent riot on J6; he’s a pathological liar, AND he’s a lifelong criminal!!! WTF!!!

    I wish JUST ONE FUCKING MEDIA PERSON would have the balls to confront Trump OR any of his supporters whenever they bring up crime to blame Harris! They’d stop telling these lies.

  10. Look, it’s no longer Trump doing these things – it’s the REPUBLICAN PARTY.

    The REPUBLICAN PARTY is behind this guy. They’re all in, it’s hook, line, and sinker, it’s all hands on deck for Durdur Turmp.

    The GOP is fully behind this guy, and they want to see The Purge playing out on our streets.

  11. This concept itself is scary. But what should be terrifying to you is the fact this election is even close after proposing stuff like this.

  12. I think there are 2 reasons why Trump always gets away with these disqualifying statements as a frontrunner of a major political party:

    1. Volume: the sheer amount of new bullshit in a single news cycle; such that it’s difficult to cover it all and have a social dialogue.

    2. Ambiguity: here is where being incoherent can be a winning trait. It’s very difficult to parse exactly what he is saying, and it’s a Rorschach jumble that confirms what you already believe about him

  13. Remember that if all crime is legal for a day, that’s a PERFECT day to do your taxes or to submit a correction.

  14. Even easier: crime ridden city? drop a tactical nuke (from orbit), (it’s the only way to be sure).


  15. NotOnYourWaveLength on

    Hmm. I always wondered how a society would truly arrive at that option and… well look at that 🤷‍♂️

  16. Note how dude never conceptualizes that he’s a criminal who did crimes.

    For republicans, “criminal” is an ethnicity, not a result of a conviction.

  17. 1877KlownsForKids on

    And Trumpers wonder why they don’t see so many Biden or Harris signs.

    Don’t confuse hesitancy to expose our family to threats for the inability to put an end to them if pushed into a corner.

    Or don’t, whatever. Prazosin keeps the nightmare faces quiet.

  18. I can’t believe the GOP is still letting him behind the wheel our their party. This is Toonces level negligence on their part.

  19. “I watched a beautiful documentary the other day. Just incredible, I think I could have made it better, but no one asked, so what are you going to do, I was probably too busy anyway. It’s called the purge. Beautiful amazing ideas”

  20. Stay_At_Home_Cat_Dad on

    In a sane world, this guy would have zero chance of getting elected. But, here we are. Whoever said “May you live in interesting times” can fuck right off.

  21. multisubcultural1 on

    Dude, you’ve had 2 assassination attempts recently and you wanna call for “one very rough hour”, have you thought about how that might go for you?

  22. I hope this dumb ass realizes he’s gonna get a bunch of dumb soft ass white men killed who think they’re tough because they bought an AR 15 at Walmart. They’re gonna go walking in the hood and that shit ain’t gonna go over too well.

  23. MargieGunderson70 on

    I don’t get why people are shocked. He’s been working up to this ever since he came down that damn escalator. The hateful rhetoric, using Twitter as a bully pulpit, inciting a violent insurrection, taking children from their parents at the border, known associations with a sex trafficker… Trump has never NOT been a huckster in search of a cult to lead. A “purge” is like the next logical step in the sequence of his casual fascism.

  24. LizzosDietitian on

    This should be an absolute LANDSLIDE victory for Kamala.

    Trump voters, and I mean every single one of them, are genuinely bad people. There’s no excuse anymore.

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