Want to reduce teen suicide? Stop passing anti-trans laws, says groundbreaking study

Source: southpawFA


  1. >[***The research***](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41562-024-01979-5.epdf?sharing_token=GkwWCVfLeKQnMy2iNM9J79RgN0jAjWel9jnR3ZoTv0PNveFlXHsicuqelg3jvg1WP9yFzB2FHBDr1pan79yIZb0fLtgGsBxAdoMj1Je2Rx1-R1ACJ74nlrDzywRzMgLgyoZJrxIZAwfFPY0ZkRtsYnO00X9VHBC8fVzgWoSJGABwdBFIO2xGGzSHS3gNfiMB6Q8gYDFooIOlIVq9JOKeEBdDxCLzhW0jX58SHVxxNPj-F3x5xJwkHY8znZuJGbNc3FwGRc-tsXsjYEgruF-g-RpE10rk9kydjw3k1xZv43rbeA_Dm725WeP0X_vI8pX_uHi4fpJ3ALO7xeLf060jFYR7U05DP2p0bN5FoyZaVJkiF1U3Uux0jCBXmYuclL3nMKB8HocT23mxZ6Qw4cHjog%3D%3D&tracking_referrer=www.npr.org&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email)***, conducted over four years, found that states enacting anti-trans laws saw suicide attempt rates increase by up to 72% among TGNB youth aged 13 to 17. The study analyzed data from over 61,000 TGNB individuals across all 50 states, providing the most comprehensive evidence to date of the impact of these laws.***

    >“From 2018 to 2022, 48 anti-transgender laws (that is, laws that restrict the rights of transgender and non-binary people) were enacted in the USA across 19 different state governments,” the study reports. These laws primarily targeted gender-affirming care, bathroom access, and school policies.

    >*Jaymes Black, CEO of The Trevor Project, emphasized the real-world impact of these policies in* [*a press releas*](https://substack.com/redirect/ba47dd44-9b00-4a40-b58d-96c05be76ec9?j=eyJ1IjoiMjhqbmkxIn0.JOymnGf2Ghvz-wXtOacQZHrzx-oFKj-nUaWRvPmmQgw)*e: “It is without question that anti-transgender policies, and the dangerous rhetoric surrounding them, take a measurable toll on the health and safety of transgender and nonbinary young people all across the country.”*

    >The study adds to a growing body of research showing that gender-affirming care saves lives, while bans on such care, along with forced outing policies in schools and bathroom restrictions, have significant negative impacts on TGNB youth in affected states.

    Republicans would rather have dead kids than trans kids. That is a fact that’s not disputable. Everyone’s been telling Republicans that their Christian nationalist dogmatism and hate towards trans kids would lead to greater suicide rates, and here we are now, with trans kids committing suicide.

    This is their doing, and they delight in it.

  2. Going after trans kids for personal gain is just vile. Even worse is pretending it’s for the benefit of the abused. This batch of Republican politicians are really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

  3. Anxious-Arm-9609 on

    **What transphobic parents think is going to happen when anti-trans laws pass:** their kid will stop “questioning” their gender identity and suddenly become a normal gender-adhering god-fearing good Christian kid and the parents will no longer have to face the horrifying prospect of using different pronouns for someone they supposedly love and reflecting on their own strict interpretation of gender appropriateness

    **What will actually happen when anti trans laws pass:** their kid will try to kill themself.

    **The parents, voting R down the ballot:** “That’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.”

  4. Prestigious-Car-4877 on

    How about stopping all the lgbtq persecution laws and maybe support sexual education and access to birth control and women’s autonomy over their own bodies while you’re at it? 

  5. Everything is projection with these people. They’re a little uncomfortable with their own sexuality so they condemn an entire class of people who they feel personify that. Can we get an adult in the room?

  6. >Since 2018, [19 states have enacted a total of 48 laws](https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/06/politics/states-banned-medical-transitioning-for-transgender-youth-dg/index.html) restricting transgender rights, ranging from bans on gender-affirming care (for minors)…

    Gender-affirming care for minors is not a black and white issue. In the US, we have many laws that protect minors from making irreversible life-changing decisions at a time in their life when they’re not emotionally and mentally equipped to make such decisions. And the laws that are being called “anti-trans” laws fall under that category.

    Should our laws protect children?

    >Since 2018, [19 states have enacted a total of 48 laws](https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/06/politics/states-banned-medical-transitioning-for-transgender-youth-dg/index.html) restricting … *participation in school sports.*

    The science of human physiology is quite clear, biological males have more muscle and bone mass and greater heart and lung capacity. Biological males have a significant advantage in physical competition against biological females.

    Is this “anti-trans” or pro-female?

  7. No shit.

    The cruelty is the point. The Christian Nationalist movement has made demonization of trans people and promises of our eradication part of their path into power, and god help us it is working. Their goal is a future without trans people in it.

  8. BeastModeEnabled on

    J.D. Vance Responded “We’ll continue to fight for fats to stay the way god made them. And as you know Democrats want to make your fats transsexual.”

  9. The party of intrinsic value of human life so no abortions and no euthanasia doesn’t give a fuck if teenagers kill themselves. It’s what they get for being too woke or something I’m sure. 

  10. That “groundbreaking study” ought to also acknowledge that those pushing anti-trans laws, don’t give a damn about these particular suicides.

    They don’t want them to exist in the first place.


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