‘It’s very unfair’: International students face uncertain future in Canada after rule change

Source: hopoke


  1. Adventurous-Worth-86 on

    Should the rules be changed mid game for the students who are here? No probably not. Should they be changed for future students yes absolutely. It should also change sector by sector, province by province. Do we need more people in Toronto with art degrees? Probably not, do we need more people with construction diplomas to build houses? Yes, 100%

  2. illuminaughty1973 on

    What exactly is unfair about students honoring the agreement they made when they entered canada?

    Studies are over? Good luck AT HOME.

  3. PumpkinMyPumpkin on

    It’s also very unfair Canadians have to compete with millions of international students for housing and jobs.

    Guess who the politicians are accountable to? Canadians.

    The only priority here should be what is best for the Canadian people.

  4. I think the a problem with the whole situation is the unfair grouping of people. You’ve got PhDs, prospective doctors and engineers etc. who are doing very valuable work here, mixed in with diploma mill ‘graduates’. And from the perspective of many Canadians they are all just international students looking to steal their jobs. I went to school with a number of people who are worried about their prospects for citizenship despite being employed professionals because the reputation of international students in Canada has taken a hit due to Conestoga etc.

  5. I don’t know how I feel about this.

    Part of me thinks it’s objectively stupid to train people here and then send them back to benefit another country with their skills. But on the other hand, the government brought in **WAY** too many people, and now there is an insane housing crisis.

    We definitely do not build housing quickly enough, so I’d say it’s more our fault than theirs. But it’s also not a human right to stay and live here, and the rate of both has to be in sync.

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