First impacts of IAF on yemen targets 29th September

Source: MrRoyalFlushX


  1. They can’t build roads, but invest in missiles and drones to launch attacks on a country 2000km away that they never had dealings with. What a leadership…

  2. I take it we won’t be hearing “Yemen Yemen make us proud, turn another ship around” for a hot minute

  3. 1200 mile strike.  That is a doozy.  This is also a sign to Iran that the 1200 miles is well within range of much of Iran.

  4. Bring the rain, root all of these bastards out

    The civilian population harbored them for YEARS and allowed them to fester

  5. Adept_Arachnid_8045 on

    Yemen has some out of this world natural wonders but a poor, misled, and disgusting society. Dont forget, theyve been firing missiles at civilian ships passing through the Red Sea as terror is their brand typical of the region.

  6. 50_61S-----165_97E on

    Is it even possible to bomb them back to the Stone Age? Don’t think they can go much further back tbh

  7. Admirable_Ice2785 on

    What’s with never ending garbage on the streets in middle east? Seriously what the fuck?

  8. This kinda shows SA don’t mind Israel, I think they got informed out of courtesy, also a little embarrasing that is Israel doing the dirty work in Yemen and not them.

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