Why Republican attacks on Kamala Harris’ family keep falling flat – Democrats are defending true family values

Source: Quirkie


  1. I think it’s also because their God hero is a serial cheater, has openly expressed sexual interest in his own daughter multiple times, bragged about breaking into women’s changing rooms and is a civilly liable rapist who was notoriously good friends with Epstein and the rest of them. Maybe *that’s* why their attacks fall flat?

  2. Frankly, the republican interpretation of “family” has gone by the wayside, if it ever existed at all.

  3. I think it’s also lost its novelty. The electorate is a little tired of playground rhetoric and might – you know – want some answers to how shit intends to get done

  4. While watching football yesterday, there were many many commercials about Kamala and her trans views that were obviously edited. Why are there no commercials featuring pictures of Trump with Epstein? No commercials with statements about Trump’s bankruptcies? No January 6 commercials? No mention of him being held liable for rape? No commercial featuring his famous just grab them in the P actually recorded quote?

  5. OpenImagination9 on

    It’s kinda hard to take republicans seriously when it comes to families when their leader was screwing a pornstar while his third imported trophy wife was pregnant with someone else’s kid.

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