‘They put a phone in your face and start filming you and insulting you’: MPs, cabinet ministers call out growing aggression, harassment by Hill protesters

Source: imgurliam


  1. >Liberal MP Rob Oliphant was chased down the street, Bloc MP Nathalie Sinclair-Desgagné says a protester grabbed a colleague’s coat, and NDP MP Lori Idlout was called a ‘Nazi’. MPs say they should be able to walk to and from the Hill without being harassed.

    [Archive link](https://archive.is/6NVva).

  2. Stunned-By-All-Of-It on

    Maybe they should ask why people are this pissed off?
    They won’t. They live inside a bubble and even if they didn’t, it wouldn’t matter because they don’t care.

  3. think_like_an_ape on

    Funny story … if you don’t screw Canadians over repeatedly, they tend to greet you with a smile. It’s true. Go most places in this country and you’ll find kind people.

    Now, if they start showing up at your office completely pissed off … it’s probably cause you f_cked up. A lot.

    We need more people getting more upset. Remember, our grandparents and great grandparents FOUGHT for our rights

  4. Maybe they should do a better job then they would not be “harassed”?
    Poor seniors in Ottawa were being harassed by protesters. No?

  5. atticusfinch1973 on

    Maybe they should worry about the things people are asking for rather than what they are doing. We have been far too polite for far too long about the ineptitude of the government on all levels.

    I hate the fact public figures get filmed all the time too. That’s why I’m not a public figure.

  6. I want to be angry at them for selling my country out to foreign powers and ruining the lives of so many canadians, but now that I know they’re being filmed and called mean names I hope they can bring in some sort of draconian law to strike down those troublemakers and protect themselves 

  7. When you have a poll rating of 24% for the party in power, you will face this until you are voted out of office. Do the right thing and hold an election. Oh wait, you were only ever doing it for yourself and really just want to actually push the election one week out to secure a lifelong pension.. thats right..

  8. These are PPs people. He thinks they are fine. After a few years of conservative cuts I wonder if they will still be his people

  9. The number of people here who are justifying actions like assault, harassment, and blindly throwing around accusations of being a Nazi is concerning. Doing things like that is counter-productive, immature, potentially illegal in some circumstances, and alienates the politicians they need on their side.

  10. You can’t continuously gaslight an entire nation and expect them to stay passive aggressive forever. Call an election already; apparently Canadians don’t like you anymore and it shows.

  11. Alextryingforgrate on

    Comes with the territory of sucking at your job. Now call an election, tell your dumb leader to step down or just start doing better this is unaccepetable and needs to continue.

  12. RedEyedWiartonBoy on

    When the people are unhappy with their government (see every poll in last 18 months), there is bound to be anger and frustration with politicians.

    Threats and assault are wrong but insults and cell phone filming are part of the game in 2024. The honey moon phase of the Trudeau 2 government us well over.

  13. StatisticianFair930 on

    I mean, they don’t call politicians ugly actors for nothing. 

    Do your job better or stop looking like you’re wearing your wife’s legs in the morning. 

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