Trump campaign slammed for ‘trans panic’ Harris ad: ‘Kamala is for they/them’

Source: Murky-Site7468


  1. Development-Good on

    I saw the ad while watching college fb and I just don’t get it honestly. If this was 2022 with all the “woke” stuff they were spewing out then yeah it would be ok, but now I just don’t understand it. And it’s not like the ad is gonna push anyone towards voting for him, cause majority of people have no issue with trans people, but it’s the people that were gonna already vote for him that would see the ad and think “yeah that’s got my vote”.

  2. “Kamala is for they/them” was posted on Trump’s social media channels, one social media user responded “All this account does is give us reasons to vote for her.”

  3. > [A social media poster] referred to the slogan “Kamala is for they/them”, saying: “All this account does is give us reasons to vote for her.”

    Absolutely. “Kamala is for they/them” is a great slogan.

  4. RedRawTrashHatch on

    Honestly, “they/them” is a flavor of the week to the GOP these days. They just endlessly cycle through random minorities/groups and desperately try to portray them as the root of all evil with no substantial evidence to back it up (stupid shit like the migrant caravan full of rapist murderers or drag queens reading to children so they can molest them).

    It’s just so damn exhausting and pathetic.

  5. account_for_yaoi on

    Republicans try not to be bigoted against literally anything that they deem expedient to hate

    (Impossible difficulty)

  6. I like how they just took satanic panic or like reefer madness and just made it current ya know? It’s like “dude, that’s cool that you figured that out” stoner style vibes

  7. The only ad I ever see here in SC, and it plays a lot during football games. Today it played during a collage game. Is an ad about how Kamala will give sex change surgery to inmates and illegal’s. I have to keep myself from laughing at how silly it is so that the maga people at my job don’t get weird with me.

    I only see this ad because the breakroom at work has a large T.V. that is always on. Usually sports. Sometimes fox news. I secretly put on MSNBC sometimes. It’s funny because people here are generally to polite to ever change the station no matter what’s on. I only watch streaming when at home.

  8. OodalollyOodalolly on

    “I’m Donald J Trump and I approve this message”

    Wow his slurred speech is getting worse. What’s going on?

  9. I’ve written so many emails over a very long career that use they/them because I’m unsure if the party I’m referring to is a man or a woman or a very intelligent fungi, what the fuck is even happening with Republicans… The supposed party of business?! 

    Am I going to have start to asking for dick pics to understand how I should be phrasing my emails with people I’ll never meet?  I’m so lost as to what they want. 

    Oh it’s hate, just pure no thought hate. 

    I’m tired boss.

  10. I’ve never seen such a despicable pandering to hate as that one. And Trump approved it. I sincerely hope I still live in a country in which that ad will cost him votes.

  11. Recently, a colleague of mine came out as non-binary, and said they’d prefer to be referred to with they/them. Now, I’ll admit that I don’t really get what being non-binary might feel like (I think the concept of being trans is much easier to wrap my head around). But why would I have an issue with accommodating them by using different pronouns? I don’t see how it could affect our ability to work together. Republicans just seem hell-bent on having things like this be a herald of the apocalypse because they don’t have any solutions for the actual apocalyptic problems we’re facing.

  12. Why do they get their knickers in a twist over gender pronouns? I’m a middle-aged white Aussie bloke, and it wouldn’t cross my mind to break a sweat even thinking about getting irate about this. It’s weird! Why is it even a thing?

  13. Is there anything neutral on this sub whatsoever? I lean left but I subbed to be informed. Seems like just a left-wing circle jerk.

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