Fighting in River Nile State, Sudan

Source: sudanwarmonitor


  1. sudanwarmonitor on

    The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) attacked SAF and SAF-allied troops in River Nile State yesterday, capturing a number of vehicles and killing dozens of soldiers. The fighting took place at Hajar al-Asal near the border between Khartoum State and River Nile State, about 35 km north of the Jaili Refinery and 70 km south of Shendi.

    The battle involved a mix of SAF troops and allied Sudan Liberation Movement fighters. SAF and SLM troops recently had arrived to secure this area, bringing them close to RSF troops guarding the Khartoum-Shendi road.

    This dry and sparsely populated area contains a number of hills and a rocky plateau, which the RSF have used as a stronghold and lookout to guard against SAF incursions. During peacetime, it served as a nature reserve, popular for day outings and camping trips for visitors and residents of the capital.

    In a statement yesterday, the RSF spokesperson claimed that the attack was intended to prevent a SAF “infiltration” toward Jaili Refinery. He claimed they killed 320 men and captured 48 combat vehicles and pursued the retreating forces toward Shendi.

    Although this is likely a significant exaggeration, geolocated videos from the area confirm that there were SAF losses, including men and equipment.

    This fighting only involved advance elements of the SAF forces in River Nile State. Large reserves remain at Ad-Damer, Atbara, and other locations.

    In a related development, a SAF convoy reportedly entered the village of Abu Dulayg in the far east of Khartoum State, without resistance. This settlement is about 130 km east of Bahri. SAF movement in this area could indicate an attempt to bypass the RSF stronghold at Jaili and reach Bahri through the eastern desert instead.

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  2. Ill_Sprinkles_9976 on

    Every other video of people fighting here has at least one side yelling Allahu Akbar… 

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