Hezbollah and Hamas flags being waved in Melbourne at protests

Source: blackglum


  1. Something that has bothered me the last couple of months is hearing that the Free Palestine movement does not condone the actions of groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, except their positions always contradict the claim.

    I decided to see the protests for myself today and was surprised (or not) to see the amount of Hezbollah flags, pictures of a terrorist being displayed and people walking around with green head bands supporting Hamas.

    There was a small group shouting “free, free Palestine”, which appeared just to be young white people. Next to them, was a more dense group waving Hezbollah flags and holding pictures of Nasrallah. Most standing around appeared to be Arab or wearing religious attire.

    There seems to be a difference between what young secular uni kids think these people want and what they actually stand for, and what these groups actually want and stand for.

    I wish people would be more honest about the uncomfortable groups they find themselves at these rallies. Too many useful idiots enabling this.

    Tried posting in Australia and Melbourne subreddits but was automatically removed.

  2. Beast_of_Guanyin on

    Protesting Israel’s actions against Hezbollah demonstrates that these people hate Israel period.

    Israel warned Hezbollah for 11 months. It then placed 3,000 precision bombs directly on Hezbollah members, bombed ammunition depots, and killed its leader. All within two weeks. It is the most clinical and brutal takedown of a terrorist organisation ever. Yet still these people protest.

    The only logical conclusion is that they do not want Israel to exist. There is no other reason to protest it defending itself. And obviously Hezbollah was absolutely awful for Lebanon. It’s destruction gives the failed state a chance.

  3. Who the fuck has a framed large format colour print of a murderous terrorist, laying around the house that you can bring out on an occasion like this?

    I’d be super interested to know what other terrorism paraphernalia they have, just laying around.

  4. GaryTheGuineaPig on

    Sorry, but I need to say this because it’s been bothering me.

    We passed laws designating Hamas and Hezbollah as terro rist organisations, correct? We also passed laws banning new N…. symbols, correct? So why is there such a disparity in how these groups are dealt with?

    Is there some hidden scale of evil that I’m not aware of?

  5. CheesecakeRude819 on

    Hezbollah and Hamas are both dedicated to Israels destruction ,are themselves terroists. Somehow they have pulled the blinkers over people.
    They breached commonwealth law too.

  6. I’m glad the fucker is dead. And anyone over there who shelters them or their weapons are not “innocent civilians” and deserve what they get

  7. Heavy_Bandicoot_9920 on

    What a sad situation multiculturalism has brought us…
    Multiracialism? Yes
    Multiculturalism? Fuck no

    Come here and because an Aussie. Don’t bring your fucking overseas cultural issues to our home

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