Republicans are the ones trying to steal elections

Source: effinpissed


  1. AlmalexiaScaresMe on

    Yep. And they’ll continue fucking with little bits and pieces of our election infrastructure. Cause it doesn’t matter that they’re the ones doing it. It’s that someone is doing it at all. Their fuck fuck games are just the kind of proof they need to inflame their army of dipshits. (By the way, if you feel irked reading that, you should. It’s because you’re a simpleton.) It’s just another flavor of the same playbook.

  2. I doesn’t matter at all who is trying to steal elections. What matters is that people are losing trust in the election process. That will erode our democracy.

  3. watchforzombies on

    They can’t win unless they cheat, gerrymander, lie, disenfranchise voters, promote hate, or break the law. Thats all they have. They cannot win on their wildly unpopular “policy,” or concept of a “policy.” They have devolved into a party of anti-democratic bigots. They’re banking on winning on hate and cheating.

  4. The problem is that GOP voters feel justified in doing so. That’s the death knell of the republic.

  5. Machiavvelli3060 on

    To be fair, they don’t really have a choice.

    Their policies and positions are incredibly unpopular and they know it.

    Every time they put abortion on a ballot, they lose, so they’re trying to find other ways to make that happen.

    They haven’t won a popular vote in a long time.

    Cheating is their only option.

  6. horacevsthespiders on

    This is not news per se, what with everybody bar the cultists having been absolutely aware of this for the last nigh on quarter of a century.

  7. Choice-of-SteinsGate on

    > You can’t love your country only when you win.

    — Joe Biden

    This mentality of “if we lose, you cheated,” isn’t just childish, it’s dangerous. A sentiment that Republicans have embraced as a direct result of Trump’s inability to concede defeat, as a result of his narcissism. Trump has vicariously passed this attitude down to his supporters, and it’s cascaded into something much more threatening.

    To this day, Trump still claims that the election was stolen from him. Trump was preparing for his eventual loss in 2020, claiming that the election would be “rigged” months leading up to the election. His “big lie,” and all of the incendiary rhetoric, conspiracy theories and misinformation he’s promoted, largely contributed to the events of January 6th.

    Trump didn’t just facilitate Jan 6, he conspired to overturn the election, endeavored to defraud the United States and disenfranchise millions of Americans, and he even attempted to install loyalists into positions of power within the DOJ to help him *steal* the election.

    He’s also been heard intimidating election officials, slandering citizens, and he’s inspired a movement of deranged election deniers who continue to sow distrust in our elections.

    What’s more, he’s emboldened a GOP led, nationwide effort to suppress the vote and disenfranchise Americans.

    This is one of the most dangerous consequences of his narcissism and election fraud lies. Republicans have been exploiting Trump’s big lie to not only restrict the vote, but pass what they conveniently dub “election integrity measures”, which only serve to grant Republicans more power, supervision and authority over our election system.

    They are not protecting the “integrity of our elections,” they’re creating unnecessary and oppressive solutions to their own made up conspiracy theories of election fraud. It’s bafflingly corrupt and brazen. And these are issues, mind you, that have been largely invented as a consequence of all of the conspiracies, misinformation and propaganda that has emerged in response to Trump’s refusal to concede defeat.

    A vast majority of Trump supporters still believe the election was stolen from him. Over time, this has cast a shadow of doubt over our elections and has even empowered some Republican voters to intimidate election workers and poll-goers, even persuading them to look for jobs at polling places in order to “stop the steal.” And make no mistake, some of them may justify almost any crime to accomplish their goal.

    This is why we say Donald Trump is a threat to democracy.

    Republicans are currently preparing to mount an exhaustive legal battle if Harris wins in November, even giving Republican controlled election boards in battleground states the unilateral power to contest the results.

    For the past four years they’ve been implementing bills and measures that seek to purge rolls, disqualify certain voters, throw out ballots and make the voting process more tedious.

    These election officials have been given the independent authority to deny the results of the election, to implement last minute rule changes and to throw out votes based on partisan rationale and speculation.

    Laws that make it easier for Republican state officials to cast doubt on the results and even claim fraud that’s predicated on conjecture, voter fraud hotline calls, constituent’s anecdotes, widespread election denying fervor, etc…

    Life is a zero sum game for Trump, and he is *always* the winner, no matter the circumstances.

    As a malignant narcissist, Trump cannot fathom or even acknowledge a reality where he has been defeated or humiliated.

    Even earlier in his life when the DOJ sued him, his father, and Trump management for violating the fair housing act and discriminating against black renters, forcing them to settle, he still presented it as a victory. And no doubt as a consequence of having Roy Cohn as a mentor. He did the same thing recently after being convicted of felony fraud by a jury of his peers. He did it when he was found liable for sexual assault, when he misused charity funds, when he was sued by former students of “Trump University,” after being recently indicted and the list goes on.

    Trump sees himself as a victim in all of these scenarios, and this only rubs off on his supporters. Trump likens himself to people like Nelson Mandela and even has the audacity to compare his suffering to that of black people throughout our country’s history.

    In his mind, accountability amounts to persecution. It’s why he always uses phrases like “witch hunt” when investigated, it’s why he denounces any sort of criticism of him as “fake news.” It’s why he’s a pathological liar.

    Keep in mind this quote from 2016 after Trump became the Republican frontrunner.

    > When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same. The temperament is not that different.

    The guy actually admits to having the temperament and mentality of a child.

    He’s emotionally and mentally stunted, and millions of Americans support him because he appeals to their worst impulses, their unfounded grievances, and their victimhood.

    What’s particularly disturbing is how hypocritical these claims are considering the fact that Donald Trump is an infamous cheater himself.

    He cheats on his wives, he cheats on his taxes, he even cheats at golf. He’s a serial grifter and con artist, he’s screwed over financial partners, small businesses, staff and customers that have had the misfortune of trusting him with their money or labor.

    He commits fraud whenever the opportunity presents itself, he’s been involved in over 4,000 legal cases, including financial crimes, tax and state law violations, corrupt business practices and defamation suits, while he not only constantly lies about his wealth, but threatens to sue anyone who speculates about his real worth. Not to mention, he’s been indicted for his own election subversion efforts in multiple states. Yet, it’s his opponents who are always cheating *him…*

    Every failed Trump business venture, and there are many, aren’t due to his own bad financial choices, but the actions of everyone else involved.

    He throws his colleagues and cronies under the bus, he obstructs justice whenever the opportunity arises, and he scapegoats others for his own demonstrative failures.

    As far as this whole election fraud lie goes, he’s been doing it for years.

    When the apprentice failed to win an Emmy award one year, he cried that the Emmys were rigged.

    When Obama won in 2012, he claimed massive fraud.

    When Ted Cruz won the Iowa primaries in 2016, he cried rigged.

    Even when he won the election in 2016 but lost the popular vote, he claimed that Hillary Clinton cheated and even investigated voter fraud to no avail.

    And like clockwork, he cried that the 2020 election was stolen from him.

    There is a pattern of behavior here, one that his supporters are either not willing to or fail to recognize.

    All of this being the case, we can expect, moving forward, that Trump and his followers will cry rigged and deny the results of the election if he loses, and at this point, it’s a matter of what lengths they will go to in order to overturn those results and install their king into his rightful position.

  8. But the Republicans keep saying it’s the Democrats! What are they, liars!?!

    /s yes of course they are

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