A Vote for Trump is a Vote for Hell on Earth

Source: OkayButFoRealz


  1. 50 Million Trump worshiping voters, “Don’t threaten us with a good time. God’s taking us to Heaven in the Rapture”.

  2. fml-fml-fml-fml on

    My favourite part about democracy is that if we all want to live in a sociopathic capitalist society that’s exactly what we’ll get.

  3. It is nice to see someone be honest, aggressive, and articulate in taking on this very real and obvious danger posed to all of humanity by Trump’s delusional climate and energy policy positions.

    “If I can’t have it to myself, I might as well burn it to the ground” is a very useful way to understand his view of the world. He is the very definition of an existential threat.

  4. Voter registration ends very soon (in some states). Remind your friends to register. Remind your entire extended family to register. Remind your dog to register.

    Gotta vote in November, because under Project 2025 this may be the last vote of your life.


  5. That statement is, essentially, true.

    My question is: why do people who have ANYTHING worth living for – want that?

    I get why dead-enders do.

  6. __Probably_Jesus__ on

    They’re obviously trying to provoke the Second Coming by putting the Antichrist in power. He’s too dumb to be the actual Antichrist, but they don’t know better.

  7. The_River_Is_Still on

    Lol. That’s a title I can get behind. No BS.

    And this isn’t like Trump screaming at every rally and election: of X person gets in they will destroy the country!!1!

    It’s really sad there’s even a chance he could win after the fucking nightmare that was his 4 year term.

  8. yosarian_reddit on

    If humans are dumb enough to elect Trump to a second term we collectively deserve to go extinct and let a smarter species evolve in our place.

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