Even Republicans alarmed by new Georgia election rules — but experts worry “nothing will be done”

Source: zsreport


  1. In sum:

    > The two rules that have raised the most eyebrows are the “reasonable inquiry” rule, passed in August, and a hand-count rule passed last week. The first rule allows county election officials to conduct a “reasonable inquiry” — an undefined term — before certifying the results of an election. This rule appears to defy state law, which says county officials “shall” certify the vote.
    > The second rule requires three separate election workers to hand count the total number of paper ballots in each of Georgia’s 2,400 precincts, which counted some 5 million votes in 2020. They also require the poll workers to sort the ballots into stacks of 50 for the purposes of the hand count.

    A couple weeks ago, before these recent changes, Marc Elias discussed the impending election fuckery in Georgia when he was on The New Yorker Radio Hour:


  2. We need to win this by so much that Georgia could go to Trump and we’d still be at least half a dozen states ahead.

  3. At some point it might have to come down to the people of Georgia staging mass protests and hounding these corrupt officials night and day to make sure their votes are counted. Evil has only ever been defeated in this country by mass resistance.

  4. What this MAGA election board is doing is just as damaging as J6 was trying to be, just because there hasn’t been any violence doesn’t mean it isn’t an attack on our democracy.

  5. Anyone who actually likes properly run elections should want nothing to do with this.

    Can you imagine if your bank was like “we’re gonna have a bunch of random people counting your money instead of using this much more accurate computer to keep track”.

    You’d be like WTF!? Why? And you know damn well at some point someone would screw it up and you’d have to call the bank, spend an hour on hold, go over your ledger vs theirs.

    Anyone who actually wants this is opting for chaos, inefficiency, and inaccuracy.

  6. Republicans being alarmed simply means that they’re afraid people are being too obvious about election interference.

  7. jefe_gryffindor on

    Georgia’s new Articles of Secession. Time to withdraw federal troops and materiel to above the Mason-Dixon Line.

  8. the rules will be in front of judges in early Oct.

    from the article

    *There are currently two court cases pending in Georgia concerning the recent rule changes. One, filed in Fulton County by a Republican-led group, Eternal Vigilance Action, is seeking to have the state courts prevent the board from enforcing the rules in question, arguing that they created rules without sufficient guidelines from the general assembly.*

    *In a filing Thursday, the group amended its suit to address the hand-count requirement as well as the “reasonable inquiry” rule. The suit is set to be heard by Fulton County Superior Court Judge Thomas Cox on Oct. 4. The group is asking the court to either overturn the rules or put them on hold until after the election.*

    *The second suit, by the National Democratic Committee and the Democratic Party of Georgia is set to be heard at a bench trial on Oct. 1. They are also seeking to have the rules thrown out.*

    hopefully these chuckle-fucks will be shut down swiftly.

  9. Of course nothing will be done. Georgia Republicans, led by Kemp and Raffensperger, began corrupting the state’s voting system within weeks of being unable to “Find” the votes Trump demanded without risking prison. Now they can actually do it and the laws that will allow it have already been rubber stamped by corrupt state and Federal judges. Kemp has been posturing to deflect attention from his spearheading the effort, but he is Never going to allow them to be thwarted.

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