Russian soldier hit by grenade immediately commits suicide with his rifle

Source: -Apex__Predator-


  1. Everytime I see someone tag FalseGod I just wanna ask the person if they are doing ok? They are tagged for every suicide now and that’s gotta wear on a soul. Thanks for the reporting but if you need to take a breath you should

  2. Wtf , he was going for the rifle before the grenade even hit.

    Man, his circumstances must have been dire.

  3. There was already a bunch of smoke so maybe he got hit before and went “aight, I’m outta here”?

  4. i mean, its definitely not like anything is gonna go well for him at that point. may as well take the easy way out….

  5. Desperate-Guide-1473 on

    The lack of hesitation is always what gets me. I get why, but it’s disturbing every time.

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