Aljazeera publishing Hezbollah war crimes live

Source: Any-Procedure-4947


  1. Thebananabender on

    “Hezbollah denies it has weapons or arms depot located in buildings”
    <secondary explosions in the background>

  2. False False, Those are CLEARLY Hospitals, Schools, Kindergartens and Refugee Camps Exploding and NOT Ammunition Storages!

  3. The israeli instant destruction of Hezbollah will be a deterrence against any future conventional attack on Israel

    Lebanon is free at last !

    All eyes on Sinwar !!

    Edit : Sinwar’s name means War is Sin btw !

  4. PooperScooperKiwi on

    Hezbollah WISHES they could commit a fraction of the War Crimes Israel has commited in it’s bloody history.

  5. NotAllBooksSmell on

    I honestly dont even know what these comments are complaining about. You guys are claiming that AJ isnt covering this properly while using screenshots of AJ as your source. They even prominently pointed out Israels reason for the attack while simultaneously showing a video with secondary explosions. How has this news report triggered you this time

  6. Everyone knows they are using human shields to get a reaction. Hopefully Israel doesn’t take the bait. They have to destroy the weapons but don’t take it too far.

  7. Israel: Bombs residential areas they believe to have munitions

    Also Israel: See! They were committing war crimes too!

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