Alberta RCMP says Smith ‘inaccurate’ about RCMP numbers | CTV News

Source: AustralisBorealis64


  1. PatriotofCanada86 on

    Quote from the article “”We pay for 1,911 officers and they have 400 or 500 vacancies, and we cannot allow for municipal or for rural communities to be under policed.”

    On Friday, the Alberta RCMP said Smith was wrong.

    “Despite continuous communications with our provincial partners, the current strength of Alberta RCMP officers is regularly miscommunicated, as is our current vacancy rate in Provincial Policing,” the statement read.

    According to the Alberta RCMP there are 1,772 officer positions within the provincial policing contract – 139 fewer than Smith claimed.

    Of those 1,772 positions, the RCMP said only 124 are unfilled. Another 182 officers are on medical, parental or other special leave, putting the current provincial vacancy rate at 17.3 per cent.

    “These are statistics that are shared with our provincial partners every month,” RCMP said.” End quote

    The numbers are provided monthly. She’s off by 12.7% the amount of RCMP officers working in the province she is RUNNING.

    She essentially tried to say 30 to 35% vacancies.

    When it was 17.3% which she is told MONTHLY.

    Canadians actually vote for this person to run their provincial budgets?

    I can’t even process this.

    She did pass high school right? Can we get proof of a diploma? Is that possible? Just asking…

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