Another footage of the Israeli airstrikes in Beirut targeting the Hezbollah Underground missile depot (according to IDF)

Source: Brometeus


  1. Old_Eccentric777 on

    People in the Middle East needs changes in their chant, instead of saying allah is the greatest. why not use Namo Buddhaya or Amitthaba, or Jai Shree Ram for a change. because saying allahu akbar maybe messes the interdimentional settings in this area turning into a battle royal. I really believe in the concept of karma, you know when your religious leaders curses Christian and Jews in the loudspeaker of their minaret saying ‘Lanat'(curse) then there’s a possibilities that those karma will bounce back at them.

  2. Can anyone explain to me why they yell “God is Great” every time something in their country explodes? You would think god would you know…prevent it?

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