Three more prominent Republicans ‘put country over party’ and endorse Harris

Source: JoeNooner


  1. Here you go:

    > Former Senator Nancy Kasselbaum, who represented the Sunflower State in the upper chamber from 1978 to 1997, has joined ex-Kansas Insurance Commissioner Sandy Praeger and Deanell Reece Tacha, a retired federal judge appointed by Ronald Reagan, in offering a formal endorsement of Harris.

  2. It seems unprecedented that so many retired Republicans are either supporting Harris or denouncing Trump as a threat to democracy. Does he have a ready answer for this? Cuz I’m thinking it’s because he’s a threat to democracy.

  3. sugarlessdeathbear on

    Everyone who does this earns respect, but the longer it takes to do it the less they earn.

  4. EthicsOverwhelming on

    Prominent to *whom*?   Every one of these “brave” Republicans all have “former/retired/ex/departed” in front of their names.   Their opinions means little to nothing.  They wield no power and no influence because if they *DID* wield any actual power in their party, they’d be lockstep with the party lines in support.

    They’re also directly responsible for gleefully building the framework in the Republican party that has allowed them to get where they are today.  

    Fuck these clowns and their “strong brave words”.   Too little too late.

  5. NovelRelationship830 on

    ‘Former’ Senator. ‘Ex’ Commissioner. ‘Retired’ Judge. In other words, the usual brave Republicans standing up to MAGA *after* they have nothing more to gain from supporting it. Still, better than nothing, I suppose.

  6. throwawaytoavoiddoxx on

    For all theses republicans endorsing Harris, I find it really suspicious that the election is still being reported as neck and neck. No Kamala people have been going the other way and endorsing trump, so why isn’t the gap widening at all between them? Something doesn’t add up here.

  7. Hm. Headline says “prominent” Republicans…let’s see… “onetime”. “former”. “ex-“. Yeah, it’s always Republicans who no longer need to get elected, because the Republican party is behind Trump now. Yeah, yeah, these guys and the Lincoln Project may still identify as Republican, but they have zero influence on the party anymore.

  8. I’m going to guess that a of these people will be out of a job soon because of you don’t bend knee you are replaced by someone who will

  9. Flat-Impression-3787 on

    How many Republicans crossed party lines to endorse Obama? Or Bill Clinton? ZERO. Dump is the most toxic candidate in history.

  10. It’s always retired Republicans. The whole Republican Party knows how dangerous Trump is, but the active members care more about their own power than the safety of the country

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