Chris Selley: Liberals offer the worst possible reaction to CTV’s doctored Poilievre clip

Source: uselesspoliticalhack

1 Comment

  1. So I’m sure none of these Liberals claiming CTV did nothing wrong would have any issues with someone like, say, Rebel “News” taking several different clips of Trudeau saying the words “I am” and “a communist” and “death” and “to Canada.” and putting them together. After all, he said all those things at various points, right? /s And I’m sure Rebel “News” believes that Trudeau holds that sentiment, so it’s totally fine for them to manipulate what he’s said as long as they think the result still captures what they think Trudeau believes, right? /s After all, that’s what these Liberal MPs and partisans like Adam Vaughan are quoted as saying in regards to this. As long as the sentiment of the clip is something they agree with, they seem to be totally fine with it.

    It doesn’t matter if you think that the sentiment of the altered clip is correct, making it is atrocious from a journalistic perspective. Manipulating the words of a politician like this is unacceptable. It’s shit like this that’s causing people’s faith in journalism to tank.

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