Trump’s Business Partners Are Dumping Their Stock as Fast as They Can: Trump Media’s co-founders are off-loading millions of shares of the tanking company.

Source: harsh2k5


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  2. Brilliant-Advisor958 on

    These were the original guys that co founded the company and they ended up being sued and counter suing trump.

    Not surprising they want out as soon as they can.

  3. And that one dude is still in the subreddit every day acting like this is a good thing and trying to turn it into wall street bets

  4. Hurray! Its trading figures are absolutely dire. Deserves to bite the dust or maybe Elon will come to the rescue and buy it? My God, what a thought.

  5. How is it that while the stock is getting dumped, the price of the stock is going up? It seems as though something suspicious is going on here. Who’s buying this obvious scam stock?

  6. Let’s be real, this was a fundraising effort. Truth has no legitimacy as a social network and once the election is over it will probably die. Trump was the only real draw there and his recent activity on FB, IG and Twitter are evident that it won’t work as a single social strategy for the campaign.

    I’m curious to see how shareholders feel about him going back to other platforms which kill the point of Truth in the first place.

  7. It is my understanding that Trump can sell his shares beginning September 20th, but the stock has to have traded above $12 for the previous 30 consecutive days.

  8. Saudis and unca Putin will keep the stock up, at least until Trump loses. Then it’s going to plummet to subzero

  9. InevitableAvalanche on

    What I find crazy is that the stock is still up today. The bigger players are getting the hell out and still someone has enough money to donate to this penny stock.

  10. gentleman_bronco on

    This is exactly how Russia, Saudi, China, and North Korea finance the Trump campaign. They buy up huge amounts of the worthless stock to pump the price so that trump can dump his next week for a multi billion dollar payday. It’s genuinely laundering foreign money. And it is so painfully legal.

  11. Its just a vehicle for bribery. Its being propped up by Chinese and Russian oligarchs.

    As soon as its clear he is going to lose the election there will be a huge sell off.

  12. I can’t comprehend how legendary businessman and convicted financial fraud Donald Trump managed to sink a business. Certainly this is not possible.

  13. Gotta grift while the grift’n’s good. Post-election, if Trump loses (please God), the stock is going to drop FAST. They know they need to cash in as quickly as possible while foreign assets are still actively bribing Trump.

  14. NewHampshireAngle on

    Great investment, I recommend going all in on god’s anointed one given these assurances he won’t sell. Bet that nest egg for the new Cummins Dodge and double your money. It’s like they’re giving you a free truck. Question is, do you have the faith to take Trump into your hearts?

  15. How anyone takes this guy seriously when it comes to business is beyond me. He bankrupted a casino ffs! Unless you’re the mob skimming the books, that shouldn’t happen.

  16. WonderfulPressure546 on

    I’d dump it too but these guys wanted nothing else to do with Trump. Trump was trying to screw them out of their shares in a lawsuit and they sued him claiming that he was trying to dilute their stake in a merger. Of course they were going to sell them the first chance they had.

  17. GahbageDumpstahFiah on

    Fucking hell people.

    The company tanking is a feature not a bug. 

    trumps business ventures are designed to fail. It’s all the fraud, embezzlement, laundering, and general crime’ing along the way are how he and his trumpets make their money. 

    It was his father’s business before him, and it’s been trump’s business since. 

  18. Jared has reported zero income on two trillion dollars of Saudi bux.
    Whatcha think he’s been buying?

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