Hezbollah Launches a Barrage Consisting of around 30 Rockets to N. Israel, 27th September

Source: Ta9eh10


  1. At 22:03 PM (GMT+3) September 27th, 2024. Hezbollah launched a rocket salvo consisting of ~30 rockets towards Israeli civilians in Northern Israel as a response to the assassination of their leader Nasrallah. No casualties reported.

  2. Star_Citizen_Roebuck on

    30 feels tiny. Can anybody with more info comment as to whether this is a normal, small, or large amount of unguided rockets compared to pre-paiger/walkie-talkie attack numbers?

  3. LzhivoyeSolnyshko on

    Well. They could just say that it was his idea, they are sorry, now he’s dead, and they will stop fire at Israel. But no, they didn’t stop, and have zero regret. Lebanon masterfully avoided the chances to settle peace.

  4. Both sides bomb each other, people just get mad that one side is a lot better at it than the other

  5. “Leak” that phones have been hacked. Build and sell explosive pagers and radios to Hezbollah. Members are told to use them to communicate and never have them off their person. Explode said pagers, cripple the communications network as well as killing and wounding multiple thousands of members. They resort to using radios. Repeat the same tactic the next day with the radios, all be it to a lesser effect. Now Hezbollah has to literally run couriers to pass messages. High level leaders now have to meet in person. Israeli intelligence, watching them meeting in one place arranged several strikes killing them. Now with their communications completely compromised, thousands of members crippled or killed and dozens of leaders dead Israel hit every known ammo dump and storage site, destroying up to 50% of their missiles. All this in less than 2 weeks. Getting 30 missiles in the air is now Hezbollah on a good day….. Oh and Iran has now left them out to dry and is looking to start talks with the Americans. They are fucked.

  6. 30 only? I thought they were the mighty party of Allah? Where is are all their missiles? Oh wait the IAF wiped them out in a week.

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