After we “dig a big ass tunnel,” here are 5 simple ways we can reduce congestion without asking people to drive less

Source: sn0w0wl66


  1. Having people drive off the UP and park seems like a lost opportunity. By only allowing globe master 3s to fly in and out of Pearson, people could take their cars with them, and they could do away with the parking lots to make room for more road.

  2. Only_Wedding9481 on

    I thought ON was designed in such a way that we get to spend most of our awake hours drivin’!? Isn’t driving the official provincial sport?

  3. Angry_beaver_1867 on

    Doug ford gets it. 

    The more people drive the more cars they consume the more auto manufacturing jobs in the province.   

    It’s a virtuous cycle.  

    Disappointed we didn’t see the Beaverton remind readers the cn tower is a large slab of drivable concrete. It’s just the verticle instead of horizontal.  

    :/ (obviously)

  4. Prudent_Falafel_7265 on

    Sure Boston did it, but they envisioned it as early as 1982 from what I understand. As a Toronto engineer pointed out, Ford’s enthusiasm is for a mid to late 20th century concept of traffic. Technology has made many other options more feasible and attractive.

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