Queensland saves its best attack on free speech for last

Source: GreenTicket1852


  1. So we are headed in the same path the UK is taking. Do we start getting arrested for Facebook posts criticising government next?

  2. _Pliny_The_Elder_ on

    I hate laws that are prefaced with “a reasonable person” what’s reasonable is a moral question and our morality is ever evolving.

    50 years ago a reasonable person wasn’t a gay or black person. Then we look back with shame and guilt at how we prosecuted them.

    You can just see the next generation going “why were they imprisoning people for what they said on Facebook. How embarrassing now our generation has to right these obvious wrongs”

    Don’t get me wrong north Korea sounds cool. But I’ll move there if that’s the sort of tyranny I desire.

  3. You can tell exactly what garbage is about to be written when this person phrases harassment at workplaces as “opinions of mainstream Queenslanders”.

    If you’re harassing people at work over being gay or trans then it’s discrimination. Simple as that. You aren’t “expressing an opinion”.

    Also, the bill bans businesses from digging into your private information. Why the hell should a workplace be able to demand personal information such as what relationship you’re in, if you undetake IVF or if you’re queer? That has NOTHING to do with a job.

    This article is just another “rElIgIOuS fReEdOm” excuse to hate on people.

  4. Man, the spectator really could be taken as a parody site if people actually read it 😂

    The bill, [(found here),](https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/view/whole/html/bill.first/bill-2024-024) actually goes into pretty great detail on the specifics of what is considered “hateful” conduct and what aspects of a person are protected under it.

    It does boil down to not being able incite anger towards or vilify someone based on their age, gender identity, impairment, race, religion, sex, sex characteristics or sexual orientation, so I can see why “state faith leaders” have a problem with it being that their entire business is based on false superiority and discrimination but I’m sure they’ll manage to spread their message regardless of these “limitations”.

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