Port of Montreal dockworkers threaten 3-day strike beginning Monday | CBC News

Source: Blue_Dragonfly

1 Comment

  1. Separate_Football914 on

    The port of Montreal is plague with the old type of unions. Not only they basically still extensively use [intimidation](https://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/port-de-montreal/des-bebes-sur-la-liste-d-embauche/2023-09-09/on-va-te-jeter-dans-le-fleuve.php), but they even control half of the number of new employees, having a [list](https://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/port-de-montreal/des-bebes-sur-la-liste-d-embauche/2023-09-09/il-y-a-toujours-eu-beaucoup-de-magouille.php) where they can put their kids and family to get a free pass on the job.

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