Can the housing crisis get any worse? Do we really want to find out? New building applications seem to be falling off a cliff, and builders are warning that the development pipeline will be empty in the not-too-distant future. It’s long past time to act

Source: scottb84


  1. > If government wants to stop things from getting worse, it’s long past time to think bigger.

    The chilling fact is that Ontario has needed to think bigger for a while now, at least since the 2022 election it not before… and the Ford/OPC government has perpetually demonstrated that it thinks small with a preference to cling to the status quo. To be fair, the OLP and ONDP are often guilty (and often responsible) for this small thinking as well… but they have a better chance of thinking bigger, so helpfully they start doing so. It’d be great if Ford/OPC’s wake up to this, but given they are talking about 50km tunnels and raging about four story towers, I’m not holding my breath.

  2. Housing is too important and necessary to leave it entirely in the hands of private developers. It’s time that CMHC got back into building homes for Canadians.

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