Harris’ team is considering keeping Biden Cabinet officials if she wins and Democrats lose the Senate

Source: SpaceElevatorMusic


  1. OppositeDifference on

    Yeah, it seems like that’s pretty much the only reasonable move. If we end up with a Republican Senate, they’re going to obstruct at any opportunity, including approving cabinet appointments. If Biden made good picks, there’s no reason not to just let those already confirmed people carry on.

  2. If a person is seasoned and qualified than why not keep them on. This idea that every administration should just sweep up the prior is why we get erratic policies. Incremental improvement requires that you keep what works and analyze what needs to be changed. You don’t just throw out.

  3. She could just do what Trump did for four years and have ‘acting’ cabinet members. Except she would use them for good instead of evil and chaos.

    It’s kind of silly that MAGA can hold the country hostage like this. Vote as much of MAGA out as possible this November.

  4. If she doesn’t immediately replace Blinken and while she’s at it Garland she won’t be sending a great message. She should hang on to Pete because he’s an example of a good politician of the future; he’s sharp, great with the media, young and he doesn’t back away from a fight.

  5. The alternative is to use the current senate majority to ram through all her picks prior to Jan 20th. Just have Joe appoint whoever and then the current Democrat majority can push them through.

  6. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/harris-team-considering-keeping-biden-cabinet-officials-wins-democrats-rcna172006) reduced by 92%. (I’m a bot)
    > WASHINGTON – If she wins in November, Vice President Kamala Harris may face a hostile, Republican-controlled Senate in no mood to confirm the senior Cabinet officials she'll need to run her administration.

    > Anticipating that scenario, Harris' team is exploring whether to keep in place some of the Biden administration officials who've already been confirmed by the Senate and wouldn't need to face the gauntlet again, four people familiar with her transition planning said.

    > 'An interesting road' Some Democratic senators and other party officials have reached out to her transition team to ask that Harris not call for the resignation of all of Biden's appointees if she wins – just in case Republicans capture the Senate and gain control of the confirmation process, one of the people familiar with Harris' transition planning said.

    [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/1fqqlql/harris_team_is_considering_keeping_biden_cabinet/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ “Version 2.02, ~694441 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **Harris**^#1 **transition**^#2 **Biden**^#3 **President**^#4 **people**^#5

  7. Background-War9535 on

    Obama kept Robert Gates as SECDEF and he did not have to go through another Senate confirmation. She could do the same.

  8. APirateAndAJedi on

    The Democrats have a real shot at taking the Senate though. Lots of people are going to show up for Harris that would not have voted otherwise

  9. applepieplaisance on

    Please not Blinken or Sullivan, not sure of their exact job titles. Let’s have fresh SMART thinking about Ukraine.

  10. Ehhh, depends on what the margins are in the senate. They only need simple majority to confirm and there are a couple moderate GOP senators that I don’t see being completely obstructionist in that way (Collins and Murkowski). If they’re only shy of control by 1 senator, they could probably still get most new appointees confirmed.

  11. Fun fact, these individuals served as Cabinet Secretaries from the beginning, within 3 months of Individual-1’s inauguration, until the end, Biden’s inauguration.

    * Steve Mnuchin
    * Sonny Perdue
    * Wilbur Ross
    * Ben Carson

  12. TemporalColdWarrior on

    I kind of expected this anyway. Especially with someone like Blinken who is in the thick of a million things. Like they’ll all go eventually, but it makes sense to stick with what they have in most places. I’d love to see Liz Warren become AG; but any AG confirmation hearing will be insane.

  13. Not Blinken! Biden should’ve fired him the moment he said we support Israel without exception. Genocide should be a pretty big exception. Whether you think what’s happening now it’s genocide or not, it should be an exception to our support.

  14. quantum_splicer on

    This is good thinking she will be familiar with the current cabinet officials and have pre-established relationship with them.

    It means less having to politically appease a republican dominated senate if she wanted to push through appointments, republicans would want a compromise either in appointments or on vital legislation. Avoiding those kinds of compromises is how you build momentum on policy and legislative goals to build towards American interests 

  15. I mean sure, yeah, but let’s just go ahead and get her the Senate and the House so we can make some real changes around here for 2 years at least.

  16. exitpursuedbybear on

    Does this indicate that she’s feeling hopeful? It seems like Harris has a good run, I.e. the debate and then a week or two later everything reverts back to a slight Trump lead in the EC. It’s exhausting watching this country drift back to fascism over and over this cycle.

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