Birth tourism families could reap ‘never ending chain’ of Canadian citizenship abroad: critics – B.C. MP concerned an amended Citizenship Act could proliferate passing of Canadian citizenship rights indefinitely to birth tourist descendants living in foreign countries

Source: CaliperLee62


  1. Healthy-Car-1860 on

    This is a very valid concern. Birth Tourism isn’t a huge numbers problem, but it is a really easy way to foreign nationals to get their children citizenship to Canada, which opens a LOT of doors.

    Opening the entire family line to accessing citizenship into the future with only requiring that a citizen spend 3 years here is… insane.

    Here’s a situation:

    * Wealthy east asian businessperson buys place with pregnant wife in Vancouver
    * Wife gives birth to child
    * Their registered address for 3 years is that vancouver home (whether they live here or not)
    * 25 years later, their child gives birth back in China. Their child is now a Canadian citizen.
    * That child studies at our university for 4 years.
    * Grandchild is now a canadian citizen.

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