Biden’s clean energy law revived this red corner of Georgia. Voters there are backing Trump anyway

Source: AliveInCLE


  1. You can’t fix stupid. You can only hope their kids are less stupid as you wait for them to die from stupid.

  2. CalRipkenForCommish on

    More often than not, it comes down to education. We need a country where critical thinking is taught everywhere, where the scientific method is a foundation and not a theory. Georgia, by and large, isn’t there yet. And it is well documented that the gop tries to attack education at every level, tries to demean and insult education and push conspiracies. Until and unless these people are allowed to erode rational and free thought, democracy will struggle all the more.

  3. LugubriousFootballer on

    So sick and tired of this hyperbole. About 30% of Whitfield county supported Biden in 2020, will probably be a similar amount in 2024. Not a huge amount, but not zero either. Let’s not group EVERY person there with Trump.

  4. Dapper-Percentage-64 on

    During a Trump speech a week ago his crowd hardly booed the Fed rate cut ? Don’t want lower interest rates on credit I guess?

  5. This particular red corner of Georgia has some weird demographics when compared to the rest of the state:
    – lower educational attainment
    – lower median income
    – younger median age
    – higher poverty rate
    – significantly higher property crime rate


  6. Forget jobs, forget their kids education, forget SS. All you need to do is tell them you hate the same people they hate.

  7. Democrats are shit at marketing their accomplishments. It’s easy to lose when no one has a clue what you even did for 4 years.

  8. Southerners are such pieces of shit on average. For nearly 200 years they’ve been causing nothing but issues for this country.

  9. Trump could literally walk around town slapping these people and they’d admire his confidence.

  10. This is incredibly sad. That people can get retrained, have their local economy bright back to life, and still fight for a candidate who would not only not have done anything for them if he was in office but will reverse what’s happening if he gets back there. In the words of Mr. T “I pity the fool”.

  11. steelassassin43 on

    Amazing. I have said this before but it bares repeating. If you vote for Trump, you are voting against what should be your own self interest (Full Stop).

  12. It’s the racism. It’s *always been* the racism.

    They tell you what they want, you give them what they want, and they’re still not happy.

  13. anotherusername60 on

    Identity politics is stronger than economic interest. In the UK, the auto workers at Nissan Sunderland mostly voted for Brexit, a decision which continues to threaten their jobs.

  14. This may be an unpopular opinion but we have to stop letting these communities drag us down. If they want to suffer, let them. They won’t do or be better even when you literally show them.

  15. I hope and pray Trump shuts down the plant if he wins. These people are actual morons. They need to learn the repercussions of their idiotic decisions.

  16. ShootinAllMyChisolm on

    The poison pill.

    Trump has to kill a green energy project to out these people out of work.

  17. You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the [south]. You know… morons.

  18. Walterkovacs1985 on

    Trump getting blue collar workers has never made sense. Dude literally screws over workers. Such a cult of personality.

  19. kickthemout1987 on

    The green policy jobs should stay in blue states. The people who reap so much of the benefits from them are always ungrateful as they get job security with high wages. Fuck em.

  20. Creating viral conspiratorial populist unrest in the age of social media is way more effective than actually accomplishing anything.  Demoncrats take note.

  21. When they say “be a president for all americans,” this is what they mean. Passing good laws and funding good policy shouldn’t be based on a if a red or blue state / county will be helped.

    Doing things like withholding funding for the prevention of forest fires on federal land simply because that land is in a state that doesn’t vote for you is pretty much the opposite.

  22. I have seen roads in southern Louisiana suddenly end in the gulf because they have receded so much from the effects of climate change, and this will worsen every year. That parish will vote Republican by twenty points just like they have for decades. It’s very hard to get people to connect politics with the effects it has on their daily lives

  23. just like all these florida republicans every october remembering that the federal government is a good thing when their home is destroyed by a hurricane

  24. This is why I hate a statement I hear often from both rural people and progressives at large – that if Democrats would just actually do things to appeal to rural voters, they’d do better.

    No, that’s clearly not true. Democrats already DO appeal to rural voters with their policies. And rural voters constantly punish them for it anyway.

    I’m from rural Upstate NY. Ppl have constant complaints about statewide Democratic policies while also completely ignoring how much their lives would be worse under Republican control. People in my area have a higher min wage, lower (bracketed) income taxes, strong state-level child tax and earned income credits, better access to food stamps and WIC, and extremely importantly… expanded Medicaid. All things that disproportionately help rural NYers. Literally over HALF of the families in my hometown benefit from all of these policies because we live in a blue state, yet they still vote strongly red and complain about NYC (which most have never even been to). Where do you think the tax dollars for your Medicaid is coming from? Because it’s not coming from any of the North Country counties.

    Edit: I just want to add for anyone not from NY who might recognize this name… This is the federal House District currently held by Elise Stefanik. She wins elections here by a safe margin.

  25. Lanolin_The_Sheep on

    We are actually fucking doomed if we do not fix education/critical thinking. Humans do NOT come out right by default.

    We are just animals. We are animals with an extreme capacity for learning, but there is nothing inate about any of the actual logic, knowledge, or decency. A human is just another scared apex predator surrounded by competitors without that.

  26. I live in the blue ridge mountains of North Georgia and I can tell you with certainty that the kids are on track to be just like their parents. Religious, gun loving, Republican and low educated. It’s a source of pride around here to not be like city people and stay exactly the same as the generation before.

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