Belgian PM Blasts Pope Francis for Catholic Church’s Sex Abuse Cover-up In Blistering Welcome

Source: bloomberg


  1. Belgium’s prime minister blasted Pope Francis for the Catholic Church’s [horrific legacy of clerical sex abuse]( and cover-ups, demanding “concrete steps” to come clean with the past and put victims’ interests ahead those of the institution in a blistering welcome at the start of Francis’ visit on Friday.

    The speech by Prime Minister Alexander De Croo was one of the most pointed ever directed at the pope during a foreign trips, where the genteel dictates of diplomatic protocol usually keeps outrage out of the public speeches. 

  2. Doesn’t Belgium have its own pedophile affair? Marc Dutroux obviously had clients in the government and the judiciary.

  3. notevenclosecnt on

    Good for Belgium. My mother won’t hear a nasty word said against the church. I’ve told her before, she can be as pious and spiritual as she likes, but do so without the organisation. Our family suffered personally at the hands of the church in previous generations. Her own mother, for fucks sake. Uncles and cousins battered by the Christian Brothers in school. I’ve uncles and aunts I never met because they disappeared after being put into care. One showed up in NZ decades later having been sold to someone essentially. Another in Canada. Fuck the church. Burn it down. Sell off the assets and start making amends to survivors of abuse, or families of the abused.

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