Colesworth are taking the piss

Source: pleasant_chap


  1. This is pretty common. Most of their “specials” are like 10%

    The only decent “specials” these days is half price.

    Many items I will only buy if half price

  2. GaryTheGuineaPig on

    I’ve worked with food manufacturers for over 20 years, and you know what they call the crap you’ve photographed.

    “Added Value”

    Or to you and I, Processed shite.

    It’s not real food and it’s wrecking the health of our population. I hope no one buys it

  3. Nervous-Masterpiece4 on

    This means the prices are being put up.

    They do so they can change them to a different higher price when they go off special rather than straight up increasing them which is more obvious.

  4. People don’t read the ticket, they just see “special, $7” or whatever. Even if it’s just 10c off.

    -somebody that worked in supermarkets

  5. Yeah the 2 for $x does my head in. Just screams we have increased our prices so you either pay more for 1, or pay what it was last month, but “think” you’re getting a good deal

  6. usercreativename on

    Go to Woolies it’s even worse….. My wife and I are now taking the time on Sunday mornings to go to a farmer’s market and then go to the butchers. It’s become cheaper and better quality produce than the supermarkets. ALDI for most of the staples and the occasional Colesworth visit for the things ALDI doesn’t stock.

    All in all better quality food for cheaper prices.

    But the moral of this story is Colesworth can suck my D!@k….

  7. The most infuriating thing I’ve seen on a colesworth shelf was a 3 for $6 special with no pricing for a single item, only a range of $2-$3 per item. How do you get away with not providing a price for an item?

  8. It’s turning into bcf etc where shit is permanently on sales when in reality that’s the standard price. Tricks people who don’t know pricing unto thinking they got a good deal. Very disgusting

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