7th of October Hamas massacre to be celebrated in Spain as Israel unable to sway public opinion

Source: MicrosoftOutloook


  1. Thebananabender on

    I wonder how “we’re not terrorists sympathizers” and “a radical Sunni militant group raping and massacring peaceful Kibbutz and music festival is something to celebrate” coincide with each other

  2. IllustriousCaramel66 on

    Imagine a Western country having 9/11 celebrations, or celebrations a year after the terror attacks in Paris…
    This really proves how morally bankrupt many places become. This is inexcusable.

  3. EatShitRedditAdmin on

    Other countries celebrate Christmas, New Year, Independence Day and more positive things. Islamic extremists celebrate terrorist attacks of murder and rape of innocents. Seriously why are the West so soft in not breaking these extremist vermin, you pulled this shit in nations like China and they’re gonna wish they kept their mouth shut

  4. Substance_Bubbly on

    i want to hear someone defends this disgust. like, c’mon, does anyone can give me a good enough reason why celebrating a massacare of civillians is morally justified?

    including all the murders of children, babies, elderly, women, even holocaust survivors. a massacare of **a peace festival**, all the rapes, the hostages, the horrific butchering, torturing, and desecration of bodies. all of that targeted specofically to kill and harm civillians.

    people love to remind japan on nanjing, yet spain decided to celebrate a similar event when it happened to israel. or might i say to jews? no, i wanna hear how this double standard, how this disgusting thing is justified.

    people saying “i care about civillians i care about women and children” and celebrating this thing? really? don’t lie to me. the irony here had long time ago stopped being remotely funny.

    if those are the values of humanity, then i want none of them.

  5. Swimming_Profit8857 on

    I guess it is time to push harder for Basque, Gallego, Catalan, Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, and Analucian separatism.

  6. Spain, hating the Jews, making a celebration of thier murder!? Spain has never hated Jews before… oh wait

  7. There is only one third of one sentence that says anything about this, and it includes zero links, names or the organizations or specifics of anything. This isn’t even a stub article.

    Tune your bullshit detectors, people, this is nonsense.

  8. The October massacre (and more importantly, the general reaction from Palestinians all over the world, no condemnation in sight!) is where I switched from decades of support for Palestine to “You know what Israel? Go ahead and glass the entire place”, anyone who joins a celebration of such a pointless atrocity against innocent civilians is spineless and morally bankrupt to the extreme, incompatible with any kind of civilized values and deserves no place in any western society.

  9. this is propaganda classic israel style i am spanish and the whole article is a joke “everybody funded by Iran” lol stfu

  10. Prestigious-Claim597 on


    I’m sure there’s terrorists who will be celebrating the massacre

    But this story should be taken with a grain of salt from an Israeli website

  11. Spainistan. I would immediately end diplomatic relations.

    **assuming the headline isn’t a lie**

  12. The headline and the article do not match at all and yet everyone is frothing at the mouth. At this point I don’t even know why israeli news sites are not treated the same as palesntian ones they both put a massive slant except one is allowed here and the other isn’t

  13. This is terrible to think of, but the article referenced has little to no actual references or facts and is not well written.

    I question the validity of the source tbh as it’s pretty poor

  14. “Several pro-Palestinian organizations announce plans to celebrate atrocities committed on Israelis”

    This arent news, just clickbait.

  15. just_lurking_through on

    Don’t worry it’s not just Spain, it’s the the whole world too. Everyone hates Israel 

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