Trump ally Matt Gaetz says House Ethics panel issued subpoena for him in sex, drug probe

Source: mvanigan


  1. > “I have not used ‘illicit’ drugs, which I consider to be drugs unlawful for medical or over-the-counter use everywhere in the United States,” Gaetz added.

    So cocaine is not schedule I, nor are fentanyl, crystal meth, ketamine…

    So he could have been using these drugs per the letter…

    Edit: clarity and wtf…

    Edit 2:

    > He called the ethics panel’s questions “uncomfortably nosey,” suggesting it had asked about “the lawful, consensual, sexual activities of adults” which “are not the business of Congress.”

    So worrying about what other people do behind closed doors is suddenly not okay? He better start taking that stance in congress!

  2. Give-Yer-Balls-A-Tug on

    The subpoenas every Republican has blatantly ignored and faced zero consequences for ignoring them?

  3. Well, it’s been established that Republicans can blow off House subpoenas with impunity, I imagine he is laughing his ass off.

  4. Basically the republicans were able to get this all the way to the election. That’s pretty impressive work. The “investigation” was going on in 2021. That’s more than 3 years!!! They wanted him to help keep their majority. The house “ethics” committee has had evidence for years and sat on it. Meh.

  5. ImmediatelyOrSooner on

    Another member of the religious “morally” right party in a sex scandal? Whaaa? No way?!

  6. Do you guys remember the old days when even the hint of such allegations would just basically end a political career like it would totally hundred percent just crater that career. Now they can basically just do whatever the hell they want. Nobody cares business as usual.

  7. Less_Tension_1168 on

    Is it possible that he also received drugs from the White House doctor like the other Republicans?

  8. This man has been named repeatedly in news stories related to teen age girls. Why does he continue to serve in government when there is little doubt he is a predator.

  9. “But asking about my sexual history as a single man with adult women is a bridge too far. I will no longer voluntarily participate in this regrettable abuse of the Committee.”

    Huh so the government has no business asking about the sexual relations of people and whom they choose to bed with???

  10. I thought this little tidbit was a tad fresh coming from him: “He called the ethics panel’s questions “uncomfortably nosey,” suggesting it had asked about “the lawful, consensual, sexual activities of adults” which *“are not the business of Congress.”*

    Really Matt? So when it’s affecting you, it’s hands off; my business, my choice. I see.

  11. Didn’t they try this years ago with his buddy who was going to testify against him and after a couple years all investigation and charges were dropped? I would love for this guy to go to jail if he’s guilty but aren’t we just doing the same thing as last time with no results?

  12. Garland is busy arresting democrats. Which he should do. But Matt Gaetz who raped and trafficked a kid, and Ken Paxton whose own staffers quit and testified against him are still free. 

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