EQAO test results show TDSB students struggling in math and literacy

Source: wretchedbelch1920


  1. CyrilSneerLoggingDiv on

    Methinks they should spend more time in math and english classes, and less time being taken to ideological protests.

  2. PythonEntusiast on

    Who would have thought? Do parents enforce reading and math on their children? Does government roll out propagandistic programs encouraging reading and math? Too much laissez fait, not enough action.

  3. With the amount of time teachers spend evacuating the classroom every time *that* student starts throwing desks and chairs around I’m surprised the other kids can learn anything at all. It’s just trying to keep the kids safe these days in a lot of classes, absolutely no time to teach anything with the constant disruption and danger. But the board is continuing to push integration for all no matter how little sense it makes, provide no assistants to support it, and refuse to have any consequences for dangerous or even criminal student behaviour. If they think the scores are low now, just wait a few more years. But I can’t wait to see Ford, who is the one chronically underfunding the schools and constantly forcing changes to the curriculum, blame the *teachers* for all this.

  4. The headline makes it sound like the TDSB is doing poorly but the test results are in line with the provincial average. 

    TDSB results:
    > In Grade 9, 56 per cent of teens met the standard in math (down a percentage point); and among first-time students taking the literacy test, 84 per cent met the standard (down a percentage point).

    Ontario results:
    > [Math] in Grade 9 was 54 per cent (unchanged). Literacy was 85 per cent (unchanged). 

    Toronto catholic school board:
    > In Grade 9 math, 55 per cent met the standard (up one percentage point). And literacy test results remained unchanged with 84 per cent meeting the standard.

  5. TurtlePowerMutant on

    Love how everyone here doesn’t seem to know the tests are rigged to show exactly what they want to show.

  6. Why are comments blaming one shit school taking kids to a protest for the cause of this across province. Kids today have internet brain rot, they’re losing their retention and thinking capabilities

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