Ukraine Discovers Starlink on Downed Russian Shahed Drone

Source: Josh-Complex


  1. longtermattention on

    How the fuck is Musk allowed to have government contracts? Seize his companies and deport this traitor.

  2. This is what happens when the rich don’t ever face consequences. So fucking tired of this shit

  3. TheWhiteGuardian on

    Can there be any *actual* consequences though from Uncle Sam? I really hope so. I’m so fucking tired of Muskrat.

  4. U.S. Defense Contractor Elon Musk allows sanctioned technology to be used by enemy foreign state in a war zone.

    The Defense Department really needs to seriously consider the degree to which this is permissible for defense contractors. It’s not like Starlink units cannot be disconnected remotely.

  5. Opentobeingwrong on

    So it’s time for the cybertruck suit now and he makes right all the shit he’s caused right…… right?

  6. Playing devil’s advocate here:
    Is there proof that Elon knew he was selling Starlink to Putin? Anyone can get one right?

    What’s the difference between this and when the Taliban put machine guns on a Toyota?

  7. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 82%. (I’m a bot)
    > Ukraine's air force declined to directly address the reported discovery of Starlink within a Shahed drone when approached by Newsweek, but said Ukrainian experts were studying targets shot down by air defenses.

    > "SpaceX has never sold or marketed Starlink in Russia, nor has it shipped equipment to locations in Russia. If Russian stores are claiming to sell Starlink for service in that country, they are scamming their customers.”

    > Back in May, the then-assistant secretary of defense for space policy in the Pentagon, John Plumb, told Bloomberg that the U.S. was "Heavily involved in working with the government of Ukraine and SpaceX to counter Russian illicit use of Starlink terminals.”

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~694424 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **Starlink**^#1 **drone**^#2 **Russia**^#3 **Ukrainian**^#4 **Russian**^#5

  8. Remember when Musk turned off Starlink for a Ukrainian lead assault, making a big stink about his stuff being used for war?

    Yeah, looks like maybe he was just annoyed at the side.

  9. This smells of high-tech trolling and Russia-love by Musk. Previously, Musk was randomly blocking Star Link access in Ukraine and it was harming Ukraine’s war effort. Then the US military started strong arming him to force Star Link access in Ukraine. So, predictably, we now see Russian weapons relying on that.

  10. >But back in May, the then-assistant secretary of defense for space policy in the Pentagon, John Plumb, told Bloomberg that the U.S. was “heavily involved in working with the government of Ukraine and SpaceX to counter Russian illicit use of Starlink terminals.”

    >”At this time we have successfully countered Russian use,” Plumb added at the time. “But I am certain Russia will continue to try and find ways to exploit Starlink and other commercial communications systems.”

    >Russia’s use of Starlink will continue to be a problem, he said.

    I hate Musk as much as anyone but it does appear that the Pentagon already knew about Russia’s use of Starlink. This particular drone may be new info but it does seem that Russia has been hacking into Starlink for a while.

    I do believe Elon should lose his government contracts but rather for the fact he’s clearly mentally unstable. If it’s proven that Elon has been coordinating with Russia (which wouldn’t surprise me), fuck losing his government contracts he should be thrown in prison.

  11. So when is the DOJ gonna frogmarch this apartheid traitor to Guantanamo? (Never, I know, but somebody can dream…)

  12. Elon must of paid attention in history class because this is plan is how duPont chemicals became one of the worlds’ richest companies (at the time). Selling gunpower to both the union and confederates

  13. hillbillyspellingbee on

    I just do not understand why this isn’t international super duper hyper special news right now. 

    This should be immediate termination of Musk’s contracts and immediate decommissioning of any of his products. 

  14. With the way Elon is acting these days… And the shit coming out of his mouth…..its all a starting to make sense.

  15. This should immediately cause Elon to be jailed for traitorous actions… there are repercussions to these actions

  16. drunk_with_internet on

    So. Let me get this straight.

    Elon Musk, son of a…South African emerald miner (etc.), who became generationally wealthy from apartheid, and who became even wealthier after the dotcom boom, and who subsequently became a renegade poster boy for global capitalism…

    Denied the use of his technology to Western allies, and then allowed said technology to be used by the West’s enemy at a time of war with said allies?

    Did I get it right?

    What the fuck?! How is Elon not in front of Congress right fucking now?

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