CTV says staffers who altered Poilievre clip ‘no longer’ work for its news team

Source: CMikeHunt


  1. TheLastThrowaway420 on

    They’ll just be given partisan appointments now, probably with luxury foreign apartments as a bonus.

  2. Circusssssssssssssss on

    So the free market made some shit up about Pierre and he’s angry at it?

    Maybe the CBC isn’t such a bad idea? Lol

    If that had been Fox and the other side, no sacking or even apology would happen

    P.S. CTV is a private entity 

  3. Must have been directed by someone important. Otherwise Bell would have gladly taken then excuse to fire them.

  4. I’m mad they misrepresented me, so let me throw some baseless accusations around.

    lol, and this guy is supposed to be Canada’s great hope?

  5. The truth has taken such a huge hit from PP lately that it is hard to know where the bar is set. Misinformation has been normalized. Nice to see this sort of thing exposed.

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