Nearly 1 in 10 people in B.C. are non-permanent residents as Canada’s population growth cools slightly

Source: Difficult-Yam-1347


  1. Difficult-Yam-1347 on

    “In B.C., NPRs now make up 9.3 per cent of the provincial population, according to Statscan’s estimates. Ontario has the second-largest share at 8.5 per cent. PEI, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Manitoba and Alberta are all above the 5-per-cent level, and in the third quarter, PEI was the only province where the NPR population wasn’t growing at double-digit rates.
    Indeed, as of the latest quarter the net inflow of NPRs was just under 118,000, or 465,000 on a seasonally adjusted annual basis, according to a research note from Bank of Montreal senior economist Robert Kavcic. That’s a big decrease from last year, but still enough to add a full percentage point to annual population growth, raising questions about the federal government’s ability to meet its NPR target.
    “If they are to meet the targets they have previously guided toward, we would expect to see net NPR flows turn negative in the years ahead,” wrote Mr. Kavcic, with more temporary residents leaving after their visas expire than are admitted.”

  2. justmakingthissoica on

    [Non-paywalled link](

    Not cooling nearly enough.

    [Official House of Commons petition to temporarily limit immigration to 200,000/year to allow housing and job infrastructure to catch up.](

    If you sign, you need to supply your email, and your signature will only count once you confirm your support and verify yourself through an email verification link sent by House of Commons Petitions. Check your spam/trash/junk after 5 minutes if you don’t see it. Then, share with family and friends, comment on posts in local subs related to housing, immigration, cost of living, etc., and comment with the petition link and an explanation.

    The 200,000, from what I’ve been told, means from all immigration sources, which brings us back down to pre-J. Trudeau levels. The folks at /r/canadahousing2 have spent months trying to get an MP to support the petition, and now it has that support.

    It is legally binding that Parliament must respond if it reaches enough signatures.

  3. ProlapseTickler3 on

    1 in 10 so far

    Ask them if they are non-permanent. They’ll correct you and say they’re going nowhere

  4. Appropriate_Item3001 on

    This is unacceptable. It should be 9 out of 10 people are non permanent residents. We have a labour shortage CRISIS.

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