JD Vance claims he doesn’t have to ‘prepare much’ for VP debate

Source: z8675309z


  1. How much preparation is needed if he already thinks he is going to get trounced? Not that he does, you understand. That would imply that he thinks, and at this point, I think he is 3 small Pledge Furniture Polish salesmen in a trenchcoat.

  2. I_like_baseball90 on

    This was literally Trump’s theory as well and you saw how that went.

    Vance seems like a fucking idiot. I’m baffled this guy has been elected to anything.

  3. Latest approval polls:

    Overcooked broccoli: 23%

    COVID19: 28%

    Adolf Hitler: 15%

    Dirty socks: 24%

    JD Vance: 3%


  4. Because he saw how the base reacted to trump getting trounced: they are still claiming he did amazing. So Vance knows it doesn’t matter what he says or what Walz says–the base will say Vance won no matter what

  5. OppositeDifference on

    This tells me that he’s spending every spare moment preparing.

    Keep in mind a few things. Yes, JD Vance is a bit of an awkward clown with more baggage than a 747 the day before Thanksgiving…

    But he’s also aggressive, speaks clearly, and is EXTREMELY motivated to pull every single dirty trick and manipulation available to come off the debate with the best sound bytes.

    He’s not going to try to come off as somebody the majority of people want to vote for, he’s going to try to land as many applause lines as he can so that Fox News can play them on repeat for the next month.

    I firmly believe Walz will hold his own in the debate, but this will not be a cake walk.

  6. HandsomePistachio on

    Because not preparing worked out so well for Trump. These idiots just can’t learn, can they?

  7. im_rusty_shakleford on

    I believe him. No amount of practice will make him a competent, likeable, or sane person.

  8. BlueDragonfly18 on

    Don’t disregard him. His tactic is to sound confident and use terms that confuse the average voter. They won’t understand what he is saying to any meaningful degree, but by delivering it confidently MAGA voters will think he won the argument. He is also the type of guy to do the gish gallop, so Tim needs to know how to combat that effectively (and that is very hard to counter in a debate).

  9. KarateEnjoyer303 on

    heh heh yeah…. don’t prepare… it will be fine. Went great for the last right wing douche who didn’t prepare.

  10. Yup just like Trump said and look how that turned out.

    You have to remember, Walz is a retired teacher and also retired Senior Enlisted after 28 years in uniform. He has dealt with plenty of bratty and spoiled kids. And don’t even get started on the lying ass privates trying to get out of training that he had to smoke. He’s gonna make JD cry lol.

  11. Life_Reserve7273 on

    Moderator: So you admitted to making up that whole immigrants and pets story which caused real world harm to the people of Springfield, Ohio. Do you regret your actions now?

    JD Vance: Okay, good.

  12. > However, The New York Times has reported that Vance is spending several days hosting prep sessions in rural Michigan this week.

    JD Vance seems like the type of person in school who would stress and study meticulously for an exam, get an A, then brag, “I didn’t even know we had a test. I guess I’m just that good.”

  13. I take he is going to try to get Walz to lose his cool but throwing insults. He has been trying this since day one and feel like he is in the clear because Walz won’t stoop to that level or want to drag him down. Walz needs to make all of whatever insults come out of Vance’s mouth come off as weird but not go back and forth but have a quick wit “this guy is weird” response and keep talking policies. Harris didn’t fall for the bait when Trump didn’t so I am hoping Walz won’t either but I have a feeling Vance will mention his son because it looks to be a sure fire way to get under Walz skin. Hopefully Pete is working with Walz on this. The only other poison pill Vance could have is to attack Minnesota to try to spread a lie which will turn it into Springfield because honestly they have no policies that isn’t project 2025. They talk about problems but have no solutions or ideas to attempt to fix them. Walz needs to put Vance on the spot and force him to give an answer to a question on how he will fix economic issues. When he avoids it take stabs at every chance to bring up the fact that he has no solutions. Vance will definitely say something that will hurt his and trump’s campaign just like he did when he said Trump and old veto an abortion ban when pressed.

  14. He doesn’t have to prepare because they’re not actually trying to win. They just need to keep it close enough so that the Supreme Court can steal it for them.

  15. Unrealistic but I want Walz to make Vance cry on live TV when he’s against a man he can’t browbeat into being quiet about his lies.

  16. That’s true, he’s just going to lie, whine, and complain until he gets waffle stomped by the Big Dad Energy.

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