‘It’s All True’: GOP Rep Doubles Down After Wildly Racist Tweet Sparks Huge Backlash

Source: Oleg101


  1. SpottedDicknCustard on

    I’ve long wondered about his history in law enforcement and presume it is littered with victims of abuse at his hand.

  2. The truth is obvious, republicans and their party are stuck horribly in the white supremacist past and they do not know how to live in the world anymore… The US is 4.8% of the world population and they think WHITE Americans are the only real humans-every one else is a subhuman insect to them.

  3. Mike_Pences_Mother on

    It will never cease to make my brain go “BOOM” when I think about the fact that there are people out there who vote for these people. Tell me how Republiqans aren’t racist again?

  4. >“Look, he was approached on the floor by colleagues who said that was offensive,” Johnson told reporters. “He said he went to the back, and he prayed about it and he regretted it, and he pulled the post down.”

    >“I’m sure he probably regrets some of the language he used. But you know, we move forward. We believe in redemption around here,” he added.

    Higgins response

    >“It’s all true,” Higgins told CNN Wednesday, even though he ultimately deleted the widely condemned tweet. “I can put up another controversial post tomorrow if you want me to. I mean, we do have freedom of speech. I’ll say what I want.”

    So, what’s Johnson going to do now? More thoughts and prayers followed by more rampant unapologetic racism?

  5. >“It’s all true,” Higgins told CNN Wednesday, even though he ultimately deleted the widely condemned tweet. “I can put up another controversial post tomorrow if you want me to. I mean, we do have freedom of speech. I’ll say what I want.”

    …and CNN producers will gladly provide this troll a platform tomorrow.

  6. HylianTomOnReddit on

    A reprehensible man. And, sadly, quite representative of many of my fellow Louisiana residents. He’s just saying it aloud. When he returns to the state, he’ll be welcomed as a hero.

  7. Upper_Return7878 on

    This guy is a piece of work. He’s divorced 3 times, on his 4th wife, dropped out of college and never graduated, and posts this racist bullshit.

    I don’t know who he prays to, but I would suggest that given his track record He’s not likely to be listening to him.

  8. Clay Higgins is a stain on the shorts of all good Americans… the man has no morals, no ethics and cannot open his mouth without lying.

  9. > “It’s all true,” Higgins told CNN Wednesday, even though he ultimately deleted the widely condemned tweet. “I can put up another controversial post tomorrow if you want me to. I mean, we do have freedom of speech. I’ll say what I want.”

    > ***“It’s not a big deal to me. It’s like something stuck to the bottom of my boot. Just scrape it off and move on with my life,”*** he added.

    To me, to me, to me. My life, my life, my life. I can, I can, I can. I will, I will, I will. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you.

  10. PsychdelicCrystal on

    “*The statement by Congressmember Clay Higgins was disgusting and dangerous*,” Jeffries said. “**It’s questionable as to why someone so irresponsible like Clay Higgins could be put on a serious task force that is investigating the work of the Secret Service.**”

    “*Perhaps that’s something that House Republican leadership should re-evaluate,”* Jeffries added.

  11. >Speaker Johnson lying out his ass: “He prayed about it and he regretted it, and he pulled the post down. I’m sure he probably regrets some of the language he used. But you know, we move forward. We believe in redemption around here,”

    >Rep Higgins after his ‘prayer’ and redemption on CNN: “It’s all true. I can put up another ~~racist~~ controversial post tomorrow if you want me to!”

    Monday: Be an awful racist in public!

    Tuesday: ‘Pray and repent’ (*cough*) and cowardly delete/backtrack.

    Wednesday: Back to the horrible racism. Puff chest out and tell media to double dog dare you and you’ll be extra racist!

    Republican religion at it’s finest. Being a terrible person is A-OK! Just say you pray it away every other day!

  12. Just going to point out that the people he wants to leave the country are legal immegrants that the city encouraged to move in as a way to boost local industries. So they want the illegal ones to come legally, but still complain when the legal process is used. So end result, they just want to deny imagration as a possibility. Then again these are the same kinds of people who will treat indiginous americans as though they immagrated here as well, so its really just white supremisist garbage.

  13. How is it beneath the House of Reps, when it was said by a sitting Rep? Stop giving this crap an easy pass.

  14. These fucking cowards don’t take responsibility for anything. He “prayed about it” and God told him to delete it? What a piece of shit.

  15. “I can put up another controversial post tomorrow if you want me to. I mean, we do have freedom of speech. I’ll say what I want.”

    Yes you do Higgins. But you don’t have freedom from consequences for your words or actions. Generally you learn that roughly around the age of four. Thanks for letting us all know you’re still a petulant child.

  16. > I can put up another controversial post tomorrow if you want me to. I mean, we do have freedom of speech. I’ll say what I want.

    When your defense is I’m technically allowed to do this, then you might have fucked up.

  17. This country needs an update. These ignorant fucks have no ideas about governance and just cling to their laughably dumb ideologies yet stay in power because of the EC, senate, and gerrymandering. Time to change everything and it starts this November.

  18. Mike Johnson — believes in redemption for unrepentant racists, but not for the Ukrainian ambassador visiting with Democrats.

    Fuck off, Mike, you religion-cosplaying charlatan.

  19. CloseToTheHedge69 on


    It amazes me that GOP representatives say stupid things like what he said and just expect no blowback or repercussions. He must be in an extremely gerrymandered district or he’d be held accountable for his bigotry.

    Prejudice and bigotry are absolutely anti-American! People like him and his cult leader disgust me.

    Also, since Trump came along I absolutely hate the term “double-down.” The term is now synonymous with hate speech.

  20. AutomaticJesusdog on

    He says, “It’s not a big deal to me”. Yeah we know clay, you fucking idiot. That’s kind of the problem

  21. I’m just so sick of these people acting like they’re above it all.

    If we wouldn’t accept this behavior from a McDonald’s cashier, we shouldn’t accept it from a “leader” or “representative “.

    How about some ethics standards with some damn teeth?

  22. “Clay Higgins is an election-denying, conspiracy-peddling racial arsonist who is a disgrace to the People’s House,” Jeffries’ statement said.

  23. adamiconography on

    How is it that people in elected positions who work FOR US are allowed to get away with saying shit.

    I’m a nurse and I guarantee you if I said even 1% of this I’d be fired immediately.

    Meanwhile GOP seems to get free passes constantly.

  24. InevitableAvalanche on

    If a person can’t tell fact from fiction, he needs to be removed from office. Man needs some mental help and a permanent break from his job.

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