China’s newest nuclear submarine sank, setting back its military modernization

Source: Professional-Spare43


  1. Spare_Philosopher893 on

    Imagine how much worse it would be for them if they have to use these things against a second navy that has subs that don’t randomly sink.

  2. The article is a bit sparse on details. Surely, if it sank in the shipyard they could pump the water out and raise it. The shipyard depth can’t be that prohibitive. Also, the bloody thing would get in the way of future builds, lying there on the bottom on the wharf.

  3. So that’s James Earl Jones’ secret mission huh?

    “Now Commander, the Submarine did SINK, you heard it implode, and I was never here.”

  4. Nice, now we have the CCP leaving a nuclear reactor sitting at the bottom of the sea. Another huge win for the tankies!

  5. RobertEdwinHouse38 on

    Sub sank.

    Chengdu J-20 can’t fly in a light rain without engine flameout.

    Their flagship Aircraft carrier is a Russian last century refit.

    And, the bulk of their naval “ships” are light ocean craft with water cannons and small arms.

    When did modernization start? Anyone know?

  6. Technically the issue isn’t that it sank. Subs are supposed to do that.

    The real issue is that it won’t ever resurface 😉

  7. I think nearly all of their advanced military tech is or based on Russian tech. Quality stuff.

  8. Zombie_Jesus_83 on

    Technically, it did what all subs are supposed to do. It just failed at the re-floating part. Great job, China. You’re halfway there.

  9. This is just a thought. I’m no military expert and I don’t want to tell any nation how to run itself, but if your subs are sinking on their own when you’re not at war, maybe think long and hard before deciding to invade Taiwan.

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