Danielle Smith Joins American Culture War Instigator Chris Rufo at Alberta Event

Source: kingbuns2


  1. To all you “Trudeau has to go” people that are determined to vote for Pierre for no other reason.

    Do you like this kind of thing? This is the kind of thing Pierre will be doing so you better come to terms with it if you don’t like it.

    Conservatives are working 24/7 to make their nonsense and their “news” sites the go to and standard for Canada.

    This isn’t one of those “oh its nothing” kind of things. It is happening and will continue to happen.

  2. And this just following a visit from Tucker Carlson not too long ago.

    Alberta isn’t gonna be Alberta for much longer if Dani and her rag tag crew of goofs get their way in Americanizing the province. And they are working at making that happen as we speak.

  3. Signal-Albatross6588 on

    No foreign interference to see here people. 

    The Manhattan Institute is absolutely not pulling the strings of a provincial party in one of our largest provinces.

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