Sweeping bill to overhaul Supreme Court would add six justices

Source: AzuleEyes


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  2. transcriptoin_error on

    What are the chances this bill passes?

    >A sweeping bill introduced by a Democratic senator Wednesday would greatly increase the size of the Supreme Court, make it harder for the justices to overturn laws, require justices to undergo audits and remove roadblocks for high court nominations.

    >The legislation by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) is one of the most ambitious proposals to date to remake a high court that has suffered a sharp decline in its public approval following a string of contentious decisions and ethics scandals in recent years. It has little chance of passing at the moment, since Republicans have generally opposed efforts to overhaul the court.

    [I couldn’t read more without entering an email address.]

  3. My fear is that it passes and tRump stacks the court even wider with MAGA loyalists! I would NOT be introducing this so close to the election…

  4. OppositeDifference on

    Oh man, this would be great. Add 6 justices over a 12 year period with each president getting to add 2. That seems pretty fair. Expanding the circuit court, and overhauling the confirmation process to prevent the shenanigans McConnell pulled from happening again.

    This will never pass in the current congress, but if we get majorities in both houses in November or in 2026, this needs to be one of the first things done.

  5. Okbuddyliberals on

    Bill has no chance of passing. The only way to correct the courts is to do it the right way, to keep voting for blue presidents and Senates so that when the conservative justices pass away due to old age/natural causes, they’ll be replaced by liberals. That’s how it’s done.

  6. Last-Juggernaut4664 on

    If the Democrats regain control of the House, Senate, and the White House, and decide to eliminate the filibuster, then this should be the absolute first law they pass. They could potentially legalize abortion and restore voting rights nationwide, but the partisan Supreme Court will always be the Sword of Damocles hanging over such legislation until it’s reformed.

  7. MysteriousPepper8908 on

    Not likely to be possible until at least the midterms without an extraordinary blue wave but I don’t see any harm in messaging that this is something to work towards over the long-term.

  8. I am just a simple guy, could anyone with any insight explain what would be the difference. ?

    Like once there is established a partisan majority of on kind of another, what s the difference between this proposal and what SCOTUS is now ?

  9. This is dumb. We need to be focusing on retaining The Senate and recapturing the House. That way, you can redistrict the federal courts (ALL OF THEM) down to zero Judges, zero Justices. Total Annihilation. 

    Then, begin reclassifying the Federal Circuits and Supreme Court with new members, new rules, and new checks and balances. W/O any Trump appointees. 

    See if that moves the needle for Chief Justice ~~Taney~~ Roberts. Him and his pack of assholes need a lesson that Congress does in fact have jurisdiction over the size and make up of the judiciary. 

    Fuck The Roberts Court. All my homies hate The Roberts Court. 

  10. This would be fantastic, but you already know how the Republicans would portray this, especially with a very strong chance of a democratic president incoming: a power grab.

    Thing is, even though they’re not wrong, Democrats should still do it. Fair is fair, and the current 6-3 SCOTUS is the result of numerous blatant power grabs by the GOP over the last 10-20 years, almost all done with the machinations of the Turtle of Kentucky.

    Impossible that this will pass short of a massive upset in 2026 midterm elections delivering a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate.

  11. PontificatinPlatypus on

    I would rather just make it easier to remove corrupt judges, as well as judges who lied their way onto the Bench during their confirmation hearings.

  12. Yeah IDK…

    – We barely get through a handful of cases with the logistics of 9 justices, and somehow we want 15?

    – “The bill would also require a ruling by two-thirds of the high court and circuit courts of appeals, rather than a simple majority, to overturn a law passed by Congress.” – so 10/15 judges would be required to be able to overturn a law that might violate a citizens rights?

    Maybe make the court less political by forcing some non-political professional association clout into the system. Have Judges be nominated to be appointed by a vote of the members of the countries Bar associations or District courts first before being able to be appointed by the political institutions. The professional associations and district courts will hopefully provide nominees that are less-likely to be at ideological extremes, and that have made a name through good decisions. The political class still gets to make a final-check on the professional/legal/judicial organizations selections.

  13. Congress just needs to tone down the court. Congress has the power to tell the court what cases they can and cannot hear. So for example if congress says to the supreme court that they only want the court to take traffic tickets, they can do that and the court has to comply. They can’t strike that down. The only check the supreme court has after they are voted in is from congress. President has no power other than picking the person for the job.

  14. I would pin the number of justices to the number of circuit courts – one from each and a chief justice to break ties but who otherwise doesn’t vote, like the Vice President.

  15. It will never pass while there are Republicans still around. And if there were no Republicans around, we wouldn’t need it. I’ve given up, there is no possible way to get the USA back to what we all thought it was. I’ve just resigned myself to living in Russia v2.0 until I die (of something easily treatable, but lack the resources to treat… the american dream)

  16. I personally think they need to put together an independent commission and expand the court to a number which would make it hard to “game”. Something like 20+ judges on 10 year terms and a set of binding ethics codes etc. End this bullshit mania that crops up every time one of them dies or retires.

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