Biden on The View: I’m at peace with quitting but I would’ve won

Source: TimesandSundayTimes


  1. I don’t think he would have won. Thats why I was saying back during the primaries we needed to have strong candidates challenge him or he needed to drop out. It’s frustrating that it took that terrible debate performance for everyone to see what had been happening for the better part of a year or two.

    That being said we will never know if he would have would have won

    We don’t know if Kamala will win.

    But as a Democrat I feel better about her chances today than I did about Biden’s

  2. Doubt it the media would have continued to focus on Bidens age and how he’s losing it, now that he’s gone it’s a lot easier for the media to point out that Trump is losing it to

  3. > I’m at peace with quitting but I would’ve won

    Lol, top notch trolling of Trump. The orange moron is going to be ranting about this all week.

  4. I honestly don’t know what the result would’ve been if Biden stayed in. I think the June debate really tanked his image hard, and shortly after that, Trump was trying to get sympathy for getting shot at. I think a lot of people were strongly considering sitting this one out. But at the same time, a lot could’ve changed between then and now, and so it’s hard to say for sure.

    But, I do feel like Kamala has better odds than Biden. The shift in enthusiasm alone feels like a big factor.

    In any case, at the very least, I’m sure this comment will get under Trump’s skin, and I’m okay with that. 😂

  5. nocountryforcoldham on

    Even if you did win it the main reason would be the anti trump vote rather than enthusiasm for another joeterm. That’s bleak af.

    Let’s forget about that and focus on kamala’s vibes

  6. Some people in the comments getting all twisted over this. Now think about what it’s going to do to Trump. He’s baiting Trump. 

  7. Perhaps. If Harris wins by a margin greater than Biden’s popular deficit, then I’d say that Biden could have won.

    Regardless, I would have voted for him.

  8. yepthisismyusername on

    Doesn’t matter whether he would have won or not. This comment will likely get under his skin.

  9. He may actually have won. Biden certainly has the right to have that opinion. The risk of Trump getting elected again is too great to take that chance.

    Thank you, Joe Biden, for willingly giving up power. I can’t imagine many politicians ever doing what you did.

  10. ButterscotchLow8950 on

    Nope, no he would NOT have. Harris has so much momentum but the polls are still close in many aspects.

    If Biden stayed in the race he would have guaranteed a Trump victory.

    The American people have never been so excited to see someone step down. He did a good thing, but let’s not be delusional about it.

  11. Individual_Respect90 on

    He may have. He has great policies but the problem is a lot of people vote on vibes. His debate ruined his vibes.

  12. PsychdelicCrystal on

    I respect his confidence and respect his decision to pass the baton even more. Imma let him cook.

  13. NecessaryMagician150 on

    I’m glad Biden is saying this because it will get under Trumps skin, but realistically…Biden would have lost.

    That debate was just the nail in the coffin. The country wasnt going to show up for him again. Not when rent and grocery prices are so high and his administration kept bragging about how “great” the economy is. It was just tone deaf as hell. Combine that with his handling of the genocide in Gaza and it was a wrap.

    Young voters in particular arent fucking with Biden anymore, and theres nothing Biden was gonna do in order to get them back. Trump would have sailed to victory. Thankfully, Dems FINALLY saw the writing on the wall and did what had to be done. We cant throw away democracy for an old man’s ego. And I’m not talking about Trump.

  14. I actually do still think he very well could have won, even if I’m much stronger behind Kamala and think it was the right decision. That being said, this is absolutely just to get under Trump’s skin. Chefs kiss!

  15. Biden was unfairly judged for his performance of the first debate, and I doubt it would have changed if he continued his campaign.

    There were two standards being used by the media:

    * Because they see Biden as a competent leader and sane, they consider his performance successful if he acts 10 years younger while answering all the questions being asked.
    * Because Trump is not very competent, obviously shows signs of mental decline, and is a known pathological liar, they consider his performance successful if he is able to show up and stay awake.

    When Harris took Biden’s place on the ballot, the performance difference during their first debate was so drastic that the public wasn’t buying the media’s double-standard anymore.

  16. I would have crawled on broken glass to cast my vote for him. Because **I** know what it’s a stake. But the rest of the voters are not persuaded by logic or facts. I don’t expect them to read News, and even when they read, our media is garbage and have normalized a convicted criminal, legally found to be a rapist, that stole and sold national secrets, and organized an insurrection. So he might have won, or may not, but these days perception is everything.

  17. I’m not sure Kamala will win and she’s doing much better than Biden.

    Biden kept referencing popular vote polls and his trailing totals being in the margin of error. Democrats need 1-2+ points in the popular vote just to make the electoral college a nail biter.

  18. He’s wrong about winning. Once America saw that pic of him with his mouth wide open staring into space at the debate, he was done.

  19. Like it or not, “Biden is too old.” was an *extremely* effective message. Especially with low information voters. He’s slowed down considerably, and his debate was a disaster (from an optics point of view).

    People on this subreddit understood that on debate content, Biden did alright. But that absolutely would not convince the undecided or low info voters out there. You’re fooling yourself if you think otherwise.

    Then add in all the democrats calling for Biden to step down. That would have driven down confidence even further and caused a lot more people to stay home. During those few weeks before he dropped out, I’m sure a lot of people were resigned to the fact that trump would win.

    Now, the polls are back closer to where they should be. It’s going to be a close race no matter what. The candidates are really just trying to get more turnout from independents and their base but it’s virtually impossible for either candidate to have more than an 8 or 9 points lead.

  20. Please keep saying things like this, nobody is a Harris economic policy away from voting for her. But hitting Trump’s ego is a proven way to make this man go bezerk, which I’d imagine isn’t doing any favors for driving out his voters.

  21. DesecrateUsername on

    45 was pulling further ahead each day *before* the first assassination attempt but sure buddy tell yourself you would’ve won

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