Trump warns hostile migrants have machine guns beyond ‘military scope’

Source: Silly-avocatoe


  1. >Newsweek emailed Trump’s campaign to ask whether he believes that such weapons “beyond even military scope” should be restricted, but did not receive a response by time of publication.

    Fucking hilarious follow up question there.

  2. >*Newsweek* emailed Trump’s campaign to ask whether he believes that such weapons “beyond even military scope” should be restricted, but did not receive a response by time of publication. Trump has shown adamant support for the Second Amendment.

    Good question!

  3. And maybe some of those Israeli lasers and industrial microwaves for quickly cooking America’s pets. /s

  4. royhenderson771 on

    Hey split ticket voters, you do nothing by voting against Trump and also voting FOR republicans. No progress is made this way. Vote every single republican out. Not one can be trusted that they won’t fall in line and follow Trump.

  5. Sure even his base must stand there at some point and call bullshit on these clearly ridiculous statements.

  6. stinky_wizzleteet on

    My wife and I talked about this last night. We live in a deeply diverse South FL town, literally surrounded on all sides with immigrants and weve never felt safer.

    These are set of the earth contributing people here legally or not that are just trying to get by like everyone else.

    Crime is pretty much an afterthought. I know it probably goes on but immigrants aren’t trying to steal my car or kick down my door.

    People in rural Arkansas think tomorrow people are coming for their kids. It’s just not the case.

  7. This makes sense too because if he wins, he won’t just be trying to get whites to kill brown people with stochastic terrorism like he is now, he will try to use the military against them in a brutal bloody clean sweep of everyone the republicans hate. He knows he cannot trust the domestic police to join him after his people had to kill them on January 6.

  8. They aren’t eating the cats, they’re amassing a giant cat army with frickin’ lasers attached to their frickin’ heads

  9. stonedhillbillyXX on

    Haitian Alien Invaders with Jewish Space lasers mounted on their backs are eating the pets of the people that live there

  10. Reviews-From-Me on

    Trump keeps lying in order to villainize Hatian people in Springfield, Ohio. The most likely outcome is someone attacking random black people in Ohio.

    Trump is inciting racial violence.

  11. PastorNTraining on

    I’m a theologian, pastor and am currently at McGill University where I study belief, extremism and why we believe what we believe.

    What the 🍊is saying here is meant to do one thing in his 🧠 – enrage his cult of personality. [The maga cult lives on micro dopamine encounters. They enjoy being round up with fear hate all the base emotions. It’s a cycle of reward depression reward similar to what gambling addicts would experience during a binge.](

    The 🍊 here is using that system of fear and fervor to rile up his supporters. As a malignant narcissist. The 🍊 is owned by his pathology. He lives and creates a fantasy world not because he’s playing 3D chess – it’s because his pathology demands he does so.

    Malignant narcissist are incapable of self regulation and while they may appear outwardly to have an unending well of self-esteem, the reality is they have none. The whole purpose of the fantasy is to create a world of belief in which the narcissist can function..

    The translation here is an echo of January 6th “you won’t have a country” “fight like hell” – these are marching orders to the maga faithful. While we hear gibberish they hear:

    “Arm yourselves with military grade weapons – the biggest and most powerful you can get. Because we’re loosing to the (insert enemy Dijour). You must do this or AMERICA (🍊 uses himself as a placeholder as America often) will loose.”

    It’s a call to arms, it’s a call to violence.

    The real question here is, who’s listening? Who’s gonna take up arms for the 🍊?

    That’s the translation.

  12. Beyond military scope? So, they have better than automatic weapons? Better than 50 cal machine guns? Better than nuclear bombs?

    I mean, I’ve shot military weapons when I was in the Army, and I would LOVE to see what guns he thinks they have that are that good.



    Whatever the Cheeto In Chief says…

  13. never mind the paramilitary groups like THREE PRECENTERS or PROUD BOYS or OATH KEEPERS that have literally been training for and calling for a civil war against the Unites States, they’ve been recruiting and stockpiling ammunition and guns for years and years – these racist extremist hate groups are literally terrorists. Nope – he wants to make up more lies about immigrants.

  14. The whole quote is ten times dumber in context. He said “massive machine gun-type equipment that are beyond even military scope.”

    What the FUCK does that even mean???

  15. There’s no need for anyone to bring guns INTO America, that’s like bringing sand to the beach.

    We have significantly more guns than people and all the best brands are represented!

  16. I live in Springfield, OH. At this week’s city commission meeting, a member of the public stepped up to the mic and said they “heard” that Haitian immigrants are going to stores and pawn shops, collecting guns and weapons. They claimed legal citizens are helping them buy guns. Trump and Vance are stoking the fire.

    Meanwhile, a white man was arrested over the weekend for threatening a group of Haitian children with a gun.

  17. CapGullible8403 on

    From now on, every Trump rally should have a large presence of armed Haitian Americans celebrating their 2nd amendment rights.

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