“I don’t want to die”: Last words of Blood Tribe man who died while being arrested by Calgary police

Source: JPalmz


  1. Ok, so it sounds like this guy was on drugs (though the article carfully doesn’t say anything in regards to that) and fought with the cops. After they finally restrained him, he was laid face down with a ?spit guard? and died after about 3 minutes, i don’t really blame the cops. What are you supposed to do in this situation other than restrain him if he’s acting erratically.

  2. JasonLovesJesus on

    He was fighting and the officers were punching him and by the sounds of it there were many officers there at one point so the severity of the force was not needed. And when did police get the right to inject people with a mild sedative? I am not a police hater,I have a lot of respect for them and the job they do but sometimes the police overdo it when they arrest someone. The man in question seemed like he was under the influence of an illicit substance or was it health related?

  3. AustralisBorealis64 on

    # “I don’t want to die”: Last words of Blood Tribe man who died after being administered a sedative by Calgary paramedics

  4. the issue isnt the sedative given by paramedics. the issue is restraining this man and leaving him prone. positional asphyxia is a real risk with people who are intoxicated and restrained.

  5. I don’t want to die either, that’s why I don’t act erratic in public and then fight with cops.

  6. Motor_Expression_281 on

    I was honestly expecting a comment section full of one sided cop hate, but I was pleasantly surprised to see people on Reddit looking at an article about the police rationally for once.

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