Liberals launch pandemic preparedness agency, seeking faster vaccine development

Source: Sir__Will


  1. PassTheSmellTest on

    I don’t think this Govt has released a report regarding their performance during the pandemic. So where is this plan coming from?

    There was serious corruption going on with contracts during the pandemic, how is the Govt going to address that? [Basic procurement rules were ignored]( for the sake of addressing the pandemic. Simply saying, “(Liberals will) launch pandemic preparedness agency, seeking faster vaccine development” does not cut it.

  2. >”We’re pulling them together in a team so that when people are talking about health, emergency readiness, they know where to knock.”

    Which apparently in the opinion of the Government of Canada is neither the Public Health Agency of Canada (created specifically after the first SARS) or Health Canada.

    >The new agency will be based in the Industry Department but include staff from the Public Health Agency of Canada and Health Canada. Champagne said it requires no new legislation and is based on spending Parliament already approved through this year’s budget.

    So they are going to take money that was approved for health and safety and use it outside of a health and safety mandate to promote business development.

    >He said Canada faced the danger of being the only G7 country “without a dedicated team” for pandemic preparedness.

    The Minister has been poorly briefed on the history, role and mandate of the Public Health Agency of Canada and specifically of the unfortunate history of the Global Public Health Intelligence Network

  3. Can we also focus on ensuring the general public is healthier? One of the biggest issues we faced is how many people were too unhealthy to withstand Covid.

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